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This is gonna be short, unlike the first one shots. Please bear with me.

"My name is Rio Nakamura, please take care of me." A blond introduced herself in front if everybody. Her smile was the sweetest, you can even taste it without actually eating it.

Hmmm... I wonder what her lips taste if I were to kiss it. A red head from the back stared intent at the blond. But then he smirked. If that fake smile of hers is sweet, I want to see her actual smile. It might taste better. He thought.

"Please seat over there, behind Okano-san. Raise your hand please." Irina Sensei ordered and a short haired girl raised her arm up. The blond smiled happily as she walk to her seat.

This should be okay, as long as I keep acting like this. I won't hurt anyone. She thought as she finally took her seat. With this act, no one will know for sure. She thought as she smiles to her left, it was a blue haired guy, who smiled at her for some reason.

Little did she know, the red head is more observant type of guy than Fuwa.

A month passed and the whole good-egirl-and-jolly-acting is starting to piss Karma. He's being impatient. He wants to know her real personality and attitude towards people. He thought that if he won't tell her to stop acting her true colors will show when the time will pass.

It was already recess time, and Karma stood up, walking to Nakamura's seat. Some looked at his direction. He gave off a smile and said, "Ne, Nakamura-san~. Do you have a minute~?" Karma asked Rio, with a simple yet playful smile.

Some gasp. Thinking, is there going to be a confession?! Wait— there's no way Karma would fall for Nakamura in one month. Unless it's true love~. Nakamura felt a chill on her spin when she saw that smile. What's with his smile? Why does it irritates me? She thought.

The looking back, she knew how smart he was.

Why do I feel like he knows something? Fuck. Please let it be a confession. I'll just reject him, but well, I may just accept it and be her girlfriend, I don't mind at all. He's hot okay? Nakamura thought. She gave off a smile and stood up. "I'll be back after minutes. Akabane-kun?" She told her classmates and faced Karma. Karma shook his head.

"Karma is fine. Shall we, princess?" He asked, smirking playfully, offering a hand to Nakamura. Nakamura on the other hand, personally liked his playfulness. It wouldn't be bad if I show a little of flirty side. Nakamura acted, and smirked as well, accept the hand of the red head.

"Yes, let us go now, good sir." She said with an accent. The class was completely speechless because of Nakamura's action.

Wow, Nakamura has this kind of side? Damn, she's cool. Even after knowing about Karma's devilish side, she doesn't even get scared of him. They all thought as they watch a red and yellow head walk out of the classroom.

She has this kind of side huh? Karma thought as they walk together, holding hands. I'm amused. He thought again. They ended up going outside the building. On the side of it, where no one can see or might hear them talk.

Knowing Karma, he probably knew. Why does he go along with the fucking act of mine? I'm confused and irritated. She thought. She removed her hand on his, and as she expected, he caged her in the wall with two arms on both sides of her head. She saw his signature smirk. And Rio stared at him, emotionless.

"So this is you huh? You look hotter in my eyes with that emotionless expression of yours, Rio-chan~." He said with a very playful tone, and started brushing his fingers on her cheek. Rio felt irritated. I knew it. She slapped his hand away, coldly looking at the guy.

Before she even knew it, the hand she slapped, grabbed her wrist and pinned on on the wall. "A fierce Rio Nakamura, what a whole package." He said, chuckling with a low and husky voice. She gave him the i-don't-give-a-fuck look. While Karma smirk devilishly.

"If you don't mind, stop the bullshit already. It's making me sick." He said, full of annoyance but he still kept his smile on. "Everyone would appreciate if you show them a side of yours but a positive side. Stop the act." This time she gave him a glare.

"You don't know anything—"

"Why? Because you're afraid they might think low of you? That they might not like you? That you might hurt them? It's pointless, stupid." He said with a serious tone. Rio froze at that. What's wrong with protecting them them from myself? Even if their faces are a feet away each other no of them both blushed or some sort.

"They're stronger than you think. Try being real friends with them and you'll know how amazing they are. In that Class, we are equals, we're a family because no one in this school treats us like that." He said.

"Don't treat us like some audience in your clown show." Rio was speechless and couldn't say a word. She was out of words. Amused by Karma.

Then suddenly, she blushed more when Karma leans, almost closing the gap between their faces. "Kawaii~." He said playfully, leaning more closer. This is fun, she's so cute when she's blushing.

What the fuck?!... why is my heart beating so fast because of him? Why do I feel nervous... and happy at the same time?! Rio panicked inside her head. She didn't know why but her hands started to push him away.

He didn't even move, and Rio was more nervous than ever. "Stop looking at me like that... you're so cute, I could eat you up." Rio stood frozen and blushing at his words.

Then Karma couldn't help it. He leaned more closer, claiming her lips. He didn't move, it was just a very long kiss. But no one moved. He moved a feet away from her, but he didn't remove his arms that's caging and holding her.

Rio is staring at him with awe. Blushing at what he just did. What was that... o no... please. Argh. Damn it! I want more! With her free hand, she pulled Karma's nape and claimed his lips, started kissing him with passion. She was greedy.

Karma was surprised at first but then his free hand hugged her waist, not letting go at the wrist he's holding. He replied to her kisses with passion, greediness and... love.

A blush freak, cute, feisty, smart ass and flirty chick huh? I couldn't ask for more.

Karma Akabane x Rio Nakamura OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now