Chapter 24- Twitter

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Chapter 24:
The performances and voting both went well. We both got through with no problems. Today was Monday. Toni hasn't been around for a week or so because she's been busy, but she's not really got anything to do, so I didn't see what she was doing. Casey was going mad about her, literally he couldn't not talk about her every 5 minutes. Reece was getting annoyed about it because he is always over exaggerating about Toni, but I don't know, something felt uncanny.

We were all sitting in the living room talking about our previous performances, when Toni walked in. Casey ran up to her and kissed her passionately 'urgh get a room will you guys or move out of my eyesight!' Reece shouted angrily 'Reece calm down, what the hell has happened to you, you were fine before she got here.' Reece got up and walked out the room. What happened between them? I pulled Casey away from Toni for two minutes and he was already whining.

'Casey Something has happened between Reece and Toni and I don't know what.' 'Babe I don't think there has... Maybe you're just being paranoid.' At the exact same time, both of us got a bombardment of notifications. We were both used to it now, but I checked anyway, and so did Casey. We both looked shocked. The tweets I could see was '@sarabrooklyn @caseyjohnson how are you guys feeling'
'@caseyjohnson @sarabrooklyn I can't believe the two of them would do this to you!'
'@sarabrooklyn @caseyjohnson finally some drama in the house!'

The last was had attached an image, so I opened it quickly, to see a picture of Toni and reece kissing. I dropped my phone, and it smashed to pieces. Casey saw it seconds after me, and just stood there shocked. No one knew reece and I were going out but it was rumoured I liked Casey and the public knew about Toni and casey, so this was a shock. They also knew reece was one of my close friends.

I grabbed caseys phone while he stood there shocked. I recovered and was now fuming with reece for doing this. I stormed over to reece and pulled him into a room. He smirked 'you couldn't wait could you?' He laughed playfully. 'Stay here' 'okay be quick' I walked to Toni and pulled her into the same room, and walked out to grab Casey who was in the same place as I has left him. I didn't bother registering everyone's emotion.

Once Casey had recomposed himself, I unlocked his phone, and walked up to the two of them, who were standing by the bed. 'What the f*** is this?' Reece sighed, and Toni had tears in her eyes.

'Do you know what, I don't have time for this, neither of you talk to me!' I ran away before the tears spilled from my eyes. I couldn't even check my phone because it was broken. It was all their fault. So much has happened and it is overwhelming, but I did not expect that to happen.

There was a knock at the door 'Sara babe, let me in' thank god. The only person I could speak to right now stood outside the door. Jake. When I saw him my eyes erupted with even more tears. He grabbed me into a hug, and I just wept.
Okay so that was a pretty bad chapter but I haven't had time recently to update at all so I will try my best to get some better and longer chapters soon.

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