S A R A W A T.

253 30 10

This has to be one of the most frustrating days I have endured after entering this university.

The first thing I discovered was, Tine was not a morning person when I picked him up around 8 in the morning, I was excited, and there were very fewer things that made me excited. Obviously I did not expect him to be overjoyed to see me-not right now anyways, maybe sometime in the future- fingers crossed. But a "good morning" wish with that heart-stopping smile of his could be thrown my way, I mean that was just human courtesy, won't you say? But he just ignored me and got inside the car while I stood there trying to understand what just happened.

 Chivalry is dead perhaps. I scoffed and got inside the car. He had his eyes closed, snuggling into his bag, trying to find a better position to sleep in, I was mildly irritated and highly amused. I did not have the will to be mad at him. He was too cute for that emotion. But I sure wanted to talk to him throughout the ride, tell him about my practice, ask him about his. I had decided that I wanted to have breakfast with him. I wanted to whine, to even argue if he would give me a little attention, but we reached uni a bit too soon for my liking.

I realized I was frowning, gripping the steering wheel a bit too tightly until I moved my gaze towards the beautiful boy beside me, tine was sleeping soundly, his thick brows knitting together slightly because of the sun rays filtering through the windscreen, I blocked the light with my palm and his brows again smoothed over.

 I observed his face closely, my eyes restlessly roamed over his face and my heart started beating in that familiar fast rhythm it always did when tine was near. I took my time looking at his features, his small but soulful eyes were closed but I knew what effect those orbs had on me. I could practically feel it on my skin, then my eyes slid down to his standing nose, it was proudly reminding me of his determination. I cracked a smile, his cheeks weren't fluffy but they did have a certain shine on them that made him look irresistible, his jaw was sharp, and I finally understood what was this fuss about girls being crazy about sharp jaws. It made him look hot-straight out of a fashion magazine hot-  Tine had a beauty mark on his forehead that is missed by everyone because his hairs fell over and hid it, I bit my lip, and that reminded me to look down on his, mine were pouty and thin his were full and thick, they would fit perfectly together.

 I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and when I opened them I was staring straight into his beautiful eyes, and I noticed his eyes were a dark shade of brown instead of black and filled with curiosity while he stared back. I backed away, flushed.

"umm, I was just going to wake you up" I spoke after clearing my throat, my voice coming out raspy and deep.

"yea-yeah, I know" he answered hastily getting out of the car.

I got out of the car as well, I stuffed my hands in my pocket to stop myself for reaching out to him. I was afraid I had made it awkward.

"lets, have breakfast together?" I tried, breaking the silence.

He looked down at his watch, shaking his head he replied "can't . have classes by 8:30"

I was disappointed.

He started walking towards his faculty building without waiting for my reply. Rude Kid.

But then as he was a little far away he turned back smiled his classic full smile that made his eyes turn into crescents and shouted "meet you at the club later, Sarawat."

That was the only highlight of my day.

God, man was right, I was whipped.

But From then my mood progressively started turning sour, I was dejected that I couldn't spend more time with tine, then the two classes I was going to attend turned into four since the professors decided that we were lagging behind taking up my lunchtime so I couldn't go find tine and eat with him, I kept checking my phone but that nuisance did not text me even once, I was annoyed, but I was also stubborn. if he won't call me I am not going to either.

To add to my misery my football practice stretched because the game season was around the corner, and I was pretty sure I was going to miss today's club.

After I was done with my practice I was so tired and gloomy that even man and boss avoided any conversations and fled as soon as they could, the only thing that could cheer me up right now was that nuisance, I craved his presence. I walked to my car and sat down tiredly. I slowly and hopefully took out my phone from my duffel bag but was again dejected to find no messages from him. Looks like he didn't even care that I didn't show up at the club, huh? I clenched my jaw tight and this sudden urge to throw the phone away captured me.

I sighed remembering those fleeting moments I stole this morning when he was right beside me, In this very car.


After deciding to get some take out for dinner I drove home swiftly, I couldn't wait for this day to be over with.

When I reached home, I took a quick shower, ate my dinner alone, and fell back on the bed. Tine dutifully returned back in my wandering mind taking up space and making it impossible for me to think about anything else.

I wanted to sleep my bad mood off, but right at 11, the room filled up with the voice of my ringtone.

I was confused as to who would call me at this hour?

But as soon as I saw the name flashing, my mood took a complete 180.

I answered the call.

"you weren't at the club today?" tine's quiet voice asked me avoiding any need for pleasantries.

"yeah, football practice stretched a bit" "were you missing me?" I tried teasing him a little.

"Yeah," he replied, which left me gasping. Did he just? No! he just admitted he missed me.

"I mean, Green was annoying the hell out of me seeing you weren't there today" he tried reasoning.

"Whatever the reason nuisance, all I heard was that you missed me," I replied feeling myself on cloud nine.

"See, you don't even have to try being an asshole, you just naturally fit" he tsked but I could hear the laughter in his voice.

I am starting to love this honest version of tine when he talks to me at night, without maintaining the image that he carries all day, the way he talks right now is real and I absolutely love being on the receiving end of this.

He tells me about his day then, and I tell him about mine.

The day somehow feels less shitty now.

We never even realize when these nightly calls turn into our thing. Something that I and tine do until we fall asleep but I am certainly not complaining.


a/n  loved it? hated it? 

c'mon guys give this poor girl a little something? 

I like writing for people, so if you don't give me a little feedback, how am I going to feel good.

well, I hate that the series is going to be over soon. I am going to miss them together.

anyway, stay safe.

all the love.

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