Chapter 3: A Band

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When Monday came, Harry went straight to the front bulletin board where the audition postings were supposed to be posted. There was a big group of teens huddled around the list.

"Move out of my way," Harry pushed some people and made his way to the front. He eagerly scanned the sheet of paper and saw his name on it. "Yes!" he pumped his fist in the air. He looked at it again, and there it was:

                                                  53. Styles, Harold (165998) **

He couldn't wait to tell Zayn, when suddenly, something caught his eye on the list. He peered at it more closely, and furrowed his eyebrows.

                                                  42. Malik, Zayn (165616) **

He widened his eyes. "That jackass..." he muttered. He couldn't believe Zayn had tried out without telling him! At the bottom of the list, it read: To all students that have made it into the talent show, a mandatory meeting has been scheduled at 3:30 pm in the Cafeteria. Be there! And all students marked with two stars (**) must meet with Mr. Schock & Mr. Higgins for a separate meeting.


After school, Harry went to the cafeteria where the meeting was, but was redirected to Room 235 since he had two stars beside his name on the list. He entered the room and saw that he wasn't alone. A few freshmen were sitting up at the front, looking all nervous; Niall (Harry narrowed his eyes at him), was sitting beside Louis; Liam sat near the teacher's desk, and a few Year 13 girls were sitting right around Zayn.

Harry made his way towards where Zayn was sitting and flirting with the girls.

"How come you never told me that you tried out?" Harry said, staring at Zayn. Zayn looked at him, and then avoided his eyes.

"It was a...last minute thing," he said quickly.

"What did you try out for?" Harry asked. He wasn't that mad at Zayn, he was just surprised that Zayn would even try out. It was a few moments before he spoke.

"I tried out for singing." Harry's eyes widened. "I know what I said about singing," Zayn quickly said, noticing Harry's reaction. "But I don't know what happened...I just basically got up there and sang."

Before Harry could reply, Mr. Higgins and Mr. Schock walked into the room, and Mr. Higgins put his hand up to silence the excitement. "You guys might be wondering why you're not sitting with the other students that have been selected to participate in the talent show," Mr. Higgins said. "Well, that is because you have technically qualified but you did not exactly pass the auditions."

Murmurs and gasps were heard across the room.

"What did he just say?!" Harry exclaimed to Zayn. "How could I have not passed?"

"Settle down!" Mr. Higgins shouted. When the students settled down, he continued. "All of you will be put into groups, and you will perform at the talent show with your group. There are no switch ups, and either the whole group agrees on staying as a group, or you all go home. Mr. Schock will read out the names."

"This isn't fucking fair!" Harry groaned.

"I know," Zayn agreed. "If we passed, why not just let us through with our own solo acts?" Harry just hoped that his group would be decent. Suddenly, Zayn nudged him.

"What?" Harry muttered.

"Get up, we're in group three," Zayn said. Harry hadn't even heard their new group member names yet, so he followed Zayn.

"No. Fucking. Way," Harry said when he saw who was in his group.

Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, and Liam Payne were in his group!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2012 ⏰

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