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PROMPT : quarantine dishes kept repeating but luckily for ruel you were a pretty good cook.

It was currently around four thirty and you had nothing to do. Ever since quarantine started you were getting less motivated as each day passed. You laid back on the couch, scrolling through the channels on the TV. You heard some shuffling behind you and you turned your head quickly to see what it was.

Ruel was in the kitchen, opening up cabinets to find something to eat. You watched as he pushed the pasta boxes aside, looking towards the back of every single cabinet. 'AH HAH!' He said as he grabbed the spaghetti o's from the back, looking back at you happily. 'The greatest thing ever invented, this is like gourmet shit right here.' He said as he looked for the can opener. You got up from the couch and stood right next to him, grabbing the can out of his hand and looking at it. 'canned spaghetti rings are not gourmet...' You looked at him blankly, placing the can on the table.

'The ones I made when I was 12 were, and what am I supposed to eat.' He whined our we he watched you place the spaghetti o's back in the cabinet. You grabbed a pot, placing it on the burner and pouring water into it. 'I don't care what you did when you were 12, canned spaghetti rings are still not gourmet and you can't change my mind.'
You rambled as you started making some creamy tomato pasta. Ruel took a seat by the table as he watched you whipped up the dish.

You were glad you picked up cooking as you grew up, so you could impress whoever of course. As you finished up, you began to grab plates for the both of you. You scooped the pasta from the pot and placed it on the plates, sprinkling basil and grated cheese on top. You placed his plate in front of him, and he looked at the dish in front of him in awe. 'You didn't tell me you could cook.' He said as he took a bite and moaning out. 'Well you didn't ask..' you smiled out as you ate.

As you both finished up, you sat back in the chair sighing. You looked over at him and he was doing the exact same but with a big smile on his face.
'I can't believe I'm gonna wife up a goddamn chef.' He mumbled out enough for you to hear. You threw your napkin at him and he just shrugged saying that it was true.

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