Chapter 20 [END]

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Questions and Answers

Q: How did Fairy Tail defeat Tartaros without Lucy?

A: I already answered this on a comment on the first book. Because they're Fairy Tail, they found a way. I know this doesn't make sense but it does in their universe. LOL.

Q: Cobra and Lucy never even acknowledged each other, why ship them?

A: Why not? It's interesting to imagine ^^

Q: What was the purpose of Lucy learning telepathy? She could've learned some other strong magic.

A: It's sort of a representation. Through telepathy, she connects her comrades' thoughts. And it's the same in their reality. Lucy bounded them together in a sense of friendship and not just camaraderie. Also, I didn't want her to learn a different stronger magic because I wanted her Celestial Magic to be her primary magic.

Q: I was wondering why Lucy's spirits didn't come to help her or tell her friends where she was?

A: If you meant the recent event where she got captured by Zeutsu and Piarra, it's because she kept her keys in her celestial pocket. They were sort of locked, for their safety, of course. Which is why not even Loke was able to come out on his own. Then when the keys were 'stabbed' on her, they got trapped again, in her soul this time.

Q: Why did Pierre's family only appear recently?

A: They were the bigger threat, or the actual masterminds of Lucy's suffering. Pierre was just a part of it. (But actually, it wasn't my plan to make the masterminds as Pierre's family, but I thought it'd be better than a random new antagonist because this story has to circle on a main opponent.)

Q: Did Midnight really had a crush on Lucy?

A: He did.

Q: On Chapter 16, Cobra was riding Cubellios to find Lucy. Did he know Kinana is Cubellios?

A: Yes, Kinana revealed herself on the earlier chapters of this book. It was also mentioned that Kinana volunteered to help Cobra find Lucy, which is when she transformed for him.

Q: Why did Fairy Tail never made an appearance until recently?

A: While this is indeed a Fairy Tail fanfic, they are not the main cast in this story. They were often mentioned in Lucy's thoughts because she never forgot about them, but it's irrelevant for them to make much appearances.

Q: What is Piarra's family's motive?

A: This will be answered in this chapter.

Q: Is Pierre's family also members of his guild? Did he also have the same goal in the first book as them?

A: No, they're not members of his guild. And while they share the same dream, Pierre also moved on his own and had his own desires as well. Such as when he kidnapped Lucy for himself, instead of taking her to his family as they planned.

-END of Q&A-


Chapter 20

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