Chapter 13

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"Aeleva" A gentle hand brushed my cheek as a voice woke me.

"Aeleva." I opened my eyes and was met with Hagen's face, smiling at me.

"It's time to go." His hand travelled up into my hair and worked his fingers into my scalp. I closed my eyes at the sensation. He moved in a circular motion, sending shivers of pleasure down my neck. His hand then traced down my jaw line to my chin. I turned my face away to hide the blush that was creeping up my cheeks. But he drifted my face back, to turn to him, to meet his eyes. His thumb brushed the side of my face.

"You will ride with me again." I nodded and got up to gather my things.

"Find your horse and food. Quickly, we need to move." Hagen then turned and walked out the tent.

It was riding day. We were to start making the journey to Ribe. We would travel over half the journey today and make camp close enough to Ribe to attack but far enough away to remain unnoticed. Earl Hagen and Earl Leofric would ride with their men. Whilst Earl Arne and Earl Harald would sail with theirs. We would meet in Ribe in two days.

I gathered my things and attempted to find Hilda but she was gone. Her things had been taken and her horse was gone. Perhaps she was to sail with Earl Harald.

I packed my things on Ghost and walked him to the east of Kolding where the men had gathered. Around 500 men were ready to march, carrying all sorts of weapons, tents and food. Women were there too, not just shield maidens. Women from the towns, to supply food and warm comforts in the night. Together we were probably 700. Although I believed the women would not stay for the whole journey.

The journey was long and tedious. We marched for hours. Sometimes I walked next to ghost just to have a difference in rhythm and relieve my sore arse. We were headed North East, inland. Ribe sat in a meeting of two huge rivers. Meaning it's south and west borders were water. We would come from the North and breach the gates. The ships from the south and attack the ports upon our break. But that meant we would have to move, to come from above. We rode for hours and made camp an hour before sun down.

I was so pleased to sit down around the camp fire. The women had prepared a stew from animals that were hunted along the way. And it was delicious, but I think anything I would've put in my mouth would've been heavenly.

Men had gathered to eat and enjoy some mead after the days travel. Hagen sat down next to me and my body tingled just a little bit. The pain of our fight days ago, had faded. It was no longer sore between us, it seemed we had regained our familiarity.

We all sat crossed legged on the floor. There was a rather eccentric man in the middle of a makeshift circle around the camp fire. His body was lanky and his clothes were too small for him. He had short hair, just an easy cut, no long braids or expensive beads woven in.

"Ok, ok. Fine." Cheer erupted from the men sitting around the fire as the man spoke. It was a funny sight, grown men sat around a camp fire begging for a story of the Gods. The rains had stopped and the ground was dry but the trees still smelt like damp. And the smoke from the fire was comforting and relaxed me.

"I will tell a story of Thor!" Excited shouts came from the men at the mention of the much-loved god. "The mighty God of strength and protection!" This drew more sounds of encouragement.

"Our Gods begin at a might feast. The grand hall of Asgard was filled to the brim with juicy boar and stewed fish. Massive fires with massive bears roasting. The tables were full of every kind of food you could think of! Fish pickled, salted and boiled, stews of vast number and every kind of berry.

"Thor was celebrating along with all the gods for they had defeated an army of Draugr!" Another acclamation from the crowd. The man walked heavily to show the defeat of such giant creatures.

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