Chapter 15

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I woke in his arms. We were still by the log, having fallen asleep. I was wrapped up in his scent, it had become comforting to me. My head rested on his chest, my hand moved over his arm, wrapped around me.

He hummed in my ear, a soft and gentle sound. I placed a kiss on his bare chest. I felt so warm then, wrapped in furs under the sunrise.

"We march today." Hagen announced with a whispered tone in my ear. "Tonight, we will take Ribe." His hand absentmindedly stroked my hair.

"Why tonight? Why not now?" I asked, my fingers created imaginary patterns on his skin.

"We still have a few hours journey, and we need the cover of darkness."

I looked up at him and he looked down at me. A small smile crossed his lips.

"Are you nervous?" He asked. I nodded in response. "Good." He said and kissed me on my forehead.

We stayed there for a moment. Looking up at the rising sun, smaller animals had woken and scurried across the clearing. Birds hoped along the fallen log, singing their morning songs. Their melodies were slightly different to the ones in Marden. I had memorised nearly every bird song there, but those were new to me.

We headed back to camp, where everyone was packing up. The women and non-fighters were to stay there or return to Kolding.

"We should get moving." Earl Leofric said when we arrived. He looked flustered, and ordered men to rally the groups. Calling for shields and sharpened spears. "We need time to scout the defences," Leofric added. Hagen nodded in agreement.

"Knud has gone with the berserkers and úlfheðnars." Leofric said in haste, before he was called away.

"Who are they?" I asked Hagen when Leofric left.

Hagen head intensely snapped to me. "If you see Knud, you run away from him. Do not go near him. He will not know you are a friend."


He grabbed my arm and his eyes glared at me. "Promise me you will not get in his way."

I nodded, "I promise."

An hour later and the men were ready to walk. We walked through the forest, not following a path. We didn't want to disrupt the road and alert Hagen's brother, Dyri, to our arrival. Even though I was almost certain he would already know. For the vast size we were, we did walk in an unnatural silence. Conversations drew to a halt and each step was taken carefully.

We stopped half an hours walk from Ribe and camped in the middle of the forest. We had to stay here whilst it was still light.

"Get yourselves ready." Earl Leofric announced to the men. "Sharpen your swords as they will sure be blunted by the end of the day." He chuckled and slapped Hagen on the back.

The men didn't light fires or put up tents as we weren't staying for long. The mood was not one of relaxation. There was a tense presence, of fear and anticipation. Or maybe that was just me.

I sat on the ground with my axe and dagger laid in the grass in front of me. Sitting against the tree trying to distract myself from my anxiety. My new axe was beautiful, if such a weapon can be. The runes served to decorate and embellish, and perhaps protect me. I had polished the metal and it sat before me, glinting in the midday sun.

"Aeleva, have you eaten?" Hagen asked as he approached me.

"No." I answered as I shook my head.

"Here." He said as he handed me some dry and salted meats. "You'll need your strength."

I smiled and thanked him as he turned to go back to Earl Leofric. I sat leaning against the tree absentmindedly chewing on the meats, watching him. He held himself with certainty. His self-confidence radiated off of him. Even when he was not talking people looked to him.

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