Chapter 46 / For The First Time - Part 2

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The journey to the Great Hall for breakfast was hilariously awkward. At least, that's what Scorpius thought so, as an uncharacteristically quiet and tense Albus walked swiftly beside him.
They both knew what he had done. But, of course, neither would say a word. Scorpius didn't need words—he was inwardly smiling and shaking his head bemusedly at his friend. Albus' feelings were changing, but the oblivious boy probably didn't want to admit it.
He'll get there, Scorpius mused knowingly. Scorpius had seen the changes in the past week; seen the tiny changes in the way Albus spoke to him and acted around him that a one hundred per cent straight teenage male never would—or even a fifty per cent straight teenage male. Subtle flirtation was almost a given between them now, and Scorpius would wait for the day when Albus realised he was okay with it all.
By the time they reached the Great Hall, it was mostly full of students. Albus and Scorpius turned left to head to the Slytherin table, but suddenly, Scorpius felt a hand reach out and grasp onto his arm. He spun to see Eamon.
"Hey, Scorp," he greeted with a feeble smile.
Albus paused mid-step and also turned to the Ravenclaw, sizing up the situation instantly.
"Hello," Scorpius replied a little unsurely. He didn't know how to act around Eamon now. They had spoken and interacted little since Hogsmeade and the Quidditch match. Were they supposed to be upset with each other? Or act completely fine, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened?
"Potter," Eamon said, looking over in his direction in acknowledgement. As far as Scorpius could tell, there was no animosity in Eamon's countenance. That's strange; he thought there would be.
"Hudson," Albus said in an understandably confused and alert tone. "What are you doing in Slytherin territory?" he asked, gesturing over at the Ravenclaw table which was at the other end of the Hall. Scorpius could tell Albus was trying to keep his voice unaccusatory.
Eamon swivelled his head around to watch his House's table, as if only just realising it was there. Scorpius knew he was buying time to figure out what he would say next. He could spot Eamon's hesitance from a distance. The boy was a Ravenclaw, after all—he didn't do well with uncertainty. "Uh..." he began, turning his head back to them. "I actually needed to speak with Scorpius." Eamon's eyes found his—Scorpius could see the plea in their dark blue depths.
Albus visibly stiffened, disliking Eamon's request. "Why?" he asked sharply, not bothered to hide his critical tone now.
Scorpius sent a look to Albus, silently asking him to be a little less judgemental. Eamon hadn't done anything untoward.
"To be honest," Eamon said, looking at Albus, struggling to keep his voice and expression neutral, "It's really not your business."
As if planned, both Albus and Eamon turned to look at him, expecting his answer. Scorpius knew what each of them wanted to hear him say. It struck Scorpius that both these boys were anxiously clinging onto his decision, when, fourth months prior, neither knew he even existed. How things had changed ...
Deciding to keep the situation calm, he answered diplomatically; "Albus, I'll meet you at the table. Save a spot for me." With his answer he gave Albus a smile, as if to say, don't worry, nothing's going to happen. Eamon's got nothing on you.
"Yeah, alright," Albus agreed, albeit somewhat grudgingly. "I'll see you soon," he added pointedly, emphasising the final word a little more.
Eamon looked relieved Scorpius had acquiesced to talking with him. As soon as Albus left their little trio, Eamon asked, "Do you mind if we talked in the Entrance Hall? Away from everyone?"
Albus wouldn't be happy with that, Scorpius knew, but he agreed nonetheless, granting Eamon his small request. "Sure."
Once outside in the much quieter lobby area, Scorpius stopped and waited for Eamon. He began with a large sigh. "Okay ... so ..." he said unconvincingly, propping his hands on his hips and looking around the lavishly decorated entry hall. "I've been doing some thinking, and I'm going to go straight to the point," he prefaced. "Things aren't right between us."
A blind person could have made the same observation. "I know," Scorpius said plainly, waiting for Eamon to reveal what he meant by stating such a sentence.
"I don't know if it's because of me; something I said, something I did; or maybe it's just because we don't get on well together ... but it's not working."
He's breaking up with me, Scorpius thought. He berated the sped up excitement of his heart rate—he shouldn't be happy when Eamon was obviously upset.
"I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for the prick I was to you all those times I kissed you when you didn't want it, and the way I acted at Hogsmeade last week. You should know that I still like you ... a lot ..." He paused and rubbed the back of his neck in thought. "But I can tell you don't."
Scorpius remained silent. So far, the only thing he could say was to agree with him, but that would be an extremely offensive thing to do.
After an extended pause, Eamon sighed again. Louder and longer this time. What he said next, Scorpius knew was a very hard thing for him to say. "It was never me, was it? It's always been Albus."
Yes, Scorpius answered silently. It was a fact they both had known for a long time, and Scorpius appreciated and respected him that Eamon was man enough to face him about it.
"I know when to step down, Scorpius," Eamon said wisely. "I just ... I truly hope you're happy. And I hope Potter realises what a lucky bastard he is."
The corner of Scorpius' mouth twitched upward in a sad smile. "Eamon—"
"No, don't say anything," he said benevolently. "I know I'm right. And I wanted to save myself from more heartache by ending things before the holidays." He offered him a warm smile, but Scorpius could tell it hurt to do so. Whether or not Scorpius' feelings had vanished, Eamon obviously still liked him. "It was an honour to call myself your boyfriend, even for a short time." Then he slowly bent his head and kissed Scorpius gently on the cheek. "Happy Christmas."
Scorpius returned the smile. "Happy Christmas, Eamon."
With that, Eamon straightened his spine, said, "I'll see you next year," and stalked off in the direction of the Ravenclaw common room, evidently deciding to not face the hall full of students eating breakfast.
Scorpius watched him leave and when he was out of sight, turned and re-entered the Great Hall, before meandering over to Albus who was happy to see him back so soon.
"Is everything okay?" Albus asked, wielding a piece of toast in his hand.
"Yes," Scorpius replied, letting it all sink in that Eamon had just broken up with him and finally, for the first time ever, nothing stood in the way between Albus and he. "Everything's fine."


Next Chapter: Meet the fathers.

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