Chapter 47 / Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy

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The Hogwarts Express rolled into King's Cross Station and stopped at Platform 9¾ just as the clock struck midday, punctual as ever.
Soon enough, students were scurrying all throughout the underground station like ants, yelling names, bidding farewells, lugging huge trunks and talking excitedly about their Christmas plans. Amidst the melee, Albus and Scorpius stood, each with their own luggage by their side. Naturally, Scorpius' was a fair bit bigger than Albus' due to his somewhat extensive wardrobe, but Albus wasn't about to mention it, not wanting to risk the wrath of his friend.
"So, I'll see you in a few days, yeah?" Albus asked eagerly. He was already counting down the days in his head. "Monday?"
"Monday," Scorpius agreed with a large smile. "I'll probably come over by Floo, if that's alright. Ghastly, though it may be."
"Why ghastly?"
Scorpius shot him a deadpan look. "I get soot and ash in my clothes and hair every single time I travel by Floo, which is highly unappreciated. I take pride in the way I look."
"And how many times have I told you? You look fine. You always do," he said, adopting a casual tone. But deep in his heart, he knew it to be irrefutably true, all jokes aside. He enjoyed watching Scorpius blush at his compliment.
"Albus!" An older female voice called out from behind him.
Albus sighed. "And that would be my mother. Impeccable timing, as always," he grumbled, before straightening his frown into a smile and turning around. "Hey, mum," he greeted with a wave. Beside her was his dad, with a grin of his own, and Lily, who was trying to calm her excited owl, which was fidgeting in its metal cage. James was evidently yet to be located. "Come on," he told Scorpius, "meet my parents".
Scorpius instantly paled. "Meet them?"
Albus chuckled. "You'll be living under their roof for eight days; you might as well meet them. Plus, I can't see your parents yet."
Scorpius cast a wide look around the station to confirm that Albus was correct. "Okay," he said hesitantly.
Grabbing onto Scorpius' wrist, he coaxed him forward with a put-on exasperated grin. In the short distance between them and his parents, his grip on Scorp's wrist slipped down until his palm and fingers were holding Scorpius'. Albus immediately felt his pulse hasten and his hand burn up at the more-than-friendly contact, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. If he had been facing Scorpius, Albus would probably have seen his pale face blush pink. He smiled in the moment, loving their closeness and delighting in the fact that he didn't feel awkward at all; as if holding Scorpius' hand was as natural as breathing. Just before they reached his mum and dad, Albus regretfully let go of his hand. He didn't want to raise assumptions when he himself didn't know for sure what was happening between Scorpius and he.
"Hey mum, hey dad," he greeted happily as he stopped in front of them; Scorpius a step behind him.
"Hello boys," his mum replied warmly. Albus was pleased she thought to include Scorpius in her welcome. "How are you? How was the journey?"
"Fine," Albus answered. "But I suppose I should do this properly, huh?" With a large grin, he tugged his friend forward one last step until they were shoulder to shoulder. "Folks, meet Scorpius."
As Albus had guessed, Scorpius' cheeks were far pinker than normal, but he was smiling nonetheless, albeit nervously. "I'm very pleased to meet you, Mr and Mrs Potter. It's a great honour. And really, I can't thank you enough for allowing me to stay at your house over the holidays. I'm much obliged," he gushed out in one breath, broadcasting his anxiety to all present.
Albus bit his cheeks to keep from laughing at Scorpius' exceedingly formal introduction. His dad, on the other hand, didn't bother. He snorted in laughter.
"Well, it's nice to meet you too," he said with a wide grin. Then he turned to his son. "Blimey, Albus, take notes from him. Maybe then you can improve your manners!"
"Oh, Harry," his mother admonished quietly, which was received with an innocent look of, who me?, in return. Facing Scorpius once more, who was as unrelaxed as ever, she said kindly, "I must admit, when we first got Albus' letter that he was bringing someone home these holidays, I hardly expected it to be you." Albus went red at her indicative choice of words, but couldn't speak up as she continued her dialogue. "But seeing you now, I can see why you're such a good friend to him. You're more than welcome to our house," she finished, her brown eyes twinkling affably.
"Thank you," Scorpius said with an exhale of air.
Lily squealed in joy. "Oh, it's going to be so much fun this Christmas! I'm so glad you're coming, Scorpius! Especially because both my brothers despise spending time with me. So now I'll have you!"
"Oi!" Albus interrupted irritably. "First of all, we don't hang out because I don't really want to spend my time hearing about Hogwarts gossip during the holidays. And second, Scorp's my guest. He'll obviously spend more time with me."
He felt Scorpius gently grab onto his forearm to calm him. "I'm sure it won't be a problem. I'll spend time with both of you, I promise," he said thoughtfully.
Albus looked down briefly to see the hand that Scorp placed on his arm. As if realising what he had done, Scorpius swiftly pulled it away, looking embarrassed. He needn't have. Albus didn't mind.
"What a diplomatic answer, Scorpius, I'm impressed!," his dad remarked, smiling. "You'll be a good influence on Albus."
"Ah! Here's my family!" James' loud voice wafted over their way as he neared, getting peoples' attention. "Nice to see you all." He paused and looked at Albus. "Except you, of course."
"Piss off," Albus retorted.
"Boys," their mother said.
"Malfoy," James said, ignoring the warning in her voice. "Heard you're coming over, yeah?"
Scorpius, still standing frozen, muscles tense, nodded uneasily. "Yes." He then hastened to add, "I hope that's alright with you."
Albus snorted. Only Scorpius would ensure every single Potter was at ease with the idea of having a Malfoy in their midst. "Doesn't matter if he isn't," he quickly said. "None of his business. And his name's Scorpius."
"Shut up, Albus." To Scorpius, he said, "That's fine by me. As long as you have fun." James paused and thought for a moment. "And as long as you realise my brother's a complete wanker."
Scorpius cracked a small smile.
"Oi!" Albus blurted again, affronted.
"James!" his mother said sharply. Then, giving Scorpius an amiable smile, she spoke in a much softer tone. "We're all so happy you're coming over. There's nothing to be concerned about." Her smile broadened. "We'll be having a full house this Christmas!" she announced. "Teddy's coming as well!"
"Really?" Lily asked; her eyes wide.
"Wicked," James and Albus said simultaneously. Turning to Scorp, Albus decided to clarify. "Teddy's a family friend. My dad's godson, in fact. He's been overseas for about a year so it's pretty cool that he'll be back in time. You'll like him."
"I can see that you do," Scorpius observed.
Albus' response died when, over Scorpius' shoulder, his eye caught on a man whose hair was exactly the same pale-blond shade as Scorpius'. "I think I see your dad."
Scorpius spun. "That's him," he confirmed.
All the Potters turned to see Draco Malfoy standing near the barrier that led into the Muggle station, having just arrived. Dressed smartly in a long black cloak and his hair neatly combed down, he had a commanding presence that startled a poor first-year Hogwarts student as she rushed passed the tall figure in fright. Mr Malfoy didn't seem to notice her; or if he did, he was probably so used to strangers acting distressed near him that he didn't care. His firm, sharp features scanned the Platform meticulously, and Albus could appreciate that Scorpius had inherited much of his looks from his dad. After a moment, Mr Malfoy spotted his son standing with the Potters and adopted a confused expression on his normally impassive face.
"He knows you're coming over, right?" Albus whispered to Scorpius in his ear, wondering why Mr Malfoy looked perplexed.
Scorpius nodded. "I just think it's a bit of a shock to see me standing amongst your family," he answered understandably, giving a small wave to his father in the distance. "Anyway, I better go." He turned back around. "Again, it was a pleasure to meet you," he said genuinely.
"Same to you, Scorpius," Albus' father said, looking away from Mr Malfoy. "We'll see you next week?"
Scorpius smiled. "Yes. On Monday."
"We look forward to it," Albus' mother added in.
"See you, Scorpius!" Lily waved her hand quickly at him with a large smile adorned on her face.
Just as Scorpius was about to leave the family, Albus saw him pause for a moment and do some quick thinking, before smiling a little. "Mr and Mrs Potter, will it be okay if Albus quickly came and met my father?" he asked.
Albus' face dropped. Oh hell no.
"Of course!" his mother said genially.
"Thank you. I'll return him soon," Scorpius promised. Reaching out, he tugged at Albus' sleeve and pulled him forward, just as Albus had done to him earlier. Why, the cheeky little bastard...
When they were out of earshot, Albus growled. "This is payback, isn't it?"
Scorpius chuckled. "You had me meet your family. Now it's your turn."
"Yes, but Scorp, my dad's not likely to sever your head from your neck the first time you meet," Albus hissed, trying not to move his mouth so much so that Scorp's dad couldn't lip-read and understand that Albus had just pegged him to be the murdering kind.
Scorpius rolled his eyes. "Neither is my dad. He may look stern, but he's not all bad," he replied.
Albus swallowed and briefly looked up to spot Mr Malfoy standing exactly where he had since he crossed over the barrier, having not moved an inch. His statue-like appearance seemed to fix Albus with a piercing gaze that felt like it was searching his soul, discovering every secret he ever had, and deciding that the boy currently walking side by side with his son was a disappointment to humanity.
"He hates me already," Albus said assuredly, convinced of it.
Scorpius looked sideways at him and nudged him with his elbow. "Oh calm down, you'll be fine. He doesn't even know you yet."
"He knows my dad," Albus answered swiftly. "Whom he hates."
They were less than ten metres away from him by now so they're conversation was killed. Instead, Scorpius fixed a smile on his face and greeted his dad. "Hello, father."
Mr Malfoy nodded his head in return. Albus thought he saw his mouth twitch into a faint resemblance of a smile, but it could easily have been a trick of the light. "Scorpius," he said in a deep voice. That single word managed to chill every bone in Albus' body. Mr Malfoy swivelled his hard grey eyes onto Albus, obviously waiting for a reason as to why some stupid offspring of Harry Potter was standing in his presence. Albus felt the sudden urge to use the lavatory.
"Father, this is Albus Potter, my friend," Scorpius said with a grin, nudging him as an indication to speak and greet his father as any normal person would.
Albus felt his tongue tie up in knots.
"Er ..." he began intelligently, and he immediately wanted to Stupify himself. "Hi ... hello ..." He cringed at his brainless attempts at a greeting and desperately tried to remember what Scorpius had said to his parents just minutes ago. He had sounded so polite, so formal—exactly what Draco Malfoy expected from him. "It's nice to mee—" no, that wasn't it "—It's a pleasure to meet you ... er ... Mr Malfoy ... sir."
What a disaster. Suddenly, all he could think about was the fact that he was staring at the father of the boy he was jerking off to last night! Albus felt fear invade his body as the knife-like stare Mr Malfoy had affixed him with made Albus think that he could read his thoughts.
Oh shoot me now...
He shot a desperate look to Scorpius, begging him to speak and get rid of the horrifying silence.
"Don't mind Albus," Scorpius said quickly with a very large and very fake smile. "He's got stomach troubles. He ate some rather dubious looking Cauldron Cakes on the train."
What? Albus' mind screamed in embarrassment. Stomach troubles? Did Scorpius want to make him look like even MORE of a loser? Bloody hell, Draco Malfoy must be wondering where on earth his son managed to find such an imbecile!
He sent an outraged look to his friend and quickly turned to Mr Malfoy to try and salvage the remaining shreds of his dying reputation. "I'm fine, honestly. I'm just really ..." He trailed off, knowing he'd put his foot in it this time. He couldn't say nervous, though he really wanted to. The man would then think he was a coward. He didn't want to say excited, because nothing could be that lame. So he changed tack and started again. He blurted loudly, "It's just that ... Christmas makes me so happy, I can hardly speak!"
Oh, bravo Potter. Next time, save everyone the trouble and kill yourself before you open your fat, dumb mouth.
Peripherally, Albus saw Scorpius sigh and lower his head in his palm in embarrassment, unable to look to his father. Mr Malfoy was observing him as one might a slug dirtying his pristine floor.
The Cauldron Cakes story would have worked much better.
To his horror, Mr Malfoy spoke next. His voice was calm and collected, and Albus would almost prefer it had a tone of repulsion. "I'm glad the festive season affects you so grandly, Mr Potter. I hope, however, that conversation will not be sparse when my son comes to visit."
Albus shook his head so quickly he was a little scared it would fly off his neck. He hoped it would; then Albus would have saved Mr Malfoy the trouble of beheading him. "It won't," he blurted. "We'll definitely talk ..." he said pathetically. In an effort to prove exactly that, with a weak smile he also added, "... well, amongst other things..." meaning, of course, that they'd also be spending time eating and going places and whatnot.
He didn't, however, consider the repercussions of what his statement suggested.
Mr Malfoy looked horror-struck.
Scorpius' breath hitched in his throat.
Albus looked on, confused. When he finally realised what Mr Malfoy thought he meant, his blood ran cold.
Bloody hell! Mr Malfoy thinks I'm shagging his son!
"I didn't mean—!" he tried desperately.
"Albus needs to leave ... now," Scorpius said faintly, in a voice that suggested he was wondering what else Albus could possible do to make the situation more horrifying than it already was.
Mr Malfoy didn't move and didn't speak, and Albus felt frozen in paralysing terror until Scorpius forcibly yanked him away.
When they were far enough away that Mr Malfoy wouldn't hear them speaking, Scorpius rounded on him in anger. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?"
"I know! I'm sorry! I couldn't speak!" Albus cried out. "My brain ... it just ..."
"Disappeared?" Scorpius finished for him. "Merlin, Albus, could you have been any more of a lunatic?"
"I told you I shouldn't meet him!" Albus said desperately. "Why'd you force me?"
Scorpius' jaw dropped. "So this is my fault?"
Bloody hell, can I say anything right? "No... it's just ..." he breathed out. "I don't want your dad to think I'm an idiot!"
"It's a little late for that! 'Christmas makes me so happy, I can hardly speak'? Not only is that a lie but it's also the most pathetic attempt at an explanation I've ever heard," Scorpius shot back hotly, pinning Albus with his silver eyes.
"Alright! I get it! I suck at this. You're brilliant at it. Let's move on," Albus said tiredly, getting a little irritated.
Scorpius exhaled loudly. "What am I supposed to tell my dad now?"
"Go with the Cauldron Cakes thing," Albus suggested gloomily.
"No, you already ruined that," Scorpius accused. "Should I just tell him that you were nervous to meet him?"
Albus winced. It was the truth, yes, and the best explanation to dig himself out of the hole he was in. "Yeah, alright ... just ... tell him I'm not always like that," he requested, not wanting Scorpius' father to hate him as much as Albus was sure he did.
Silence descended between them while Albus wallowed in his misery. He kept his eyes downcast, avoiding Scorpius angry stare. Shockingly, however, he heard Scorpius give a soft, tired laugh. He looked up to see him giving Albus an incredulous and bemused look.
"What?" Albus asked.
Scorpius shook his head while a smile was growing on his face. "Only you, Albus Severus Potter, could successfully annihilate an introductory meeting with my father like that."
Hope in his chest that Scorpius wouldn't actually cut all ties with him now, he offered him a weak lopsided grin and said, "I'm a keeper."
Scorpius chuckled. "What am I going to do with you?" he asked to no one in particular.
"So you don't hate me all that much?" Albus questioned, looking at Scorpius expectantly.
"Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could," he smiled. "My father, on the other hand ... well ... I've got a lot of explaining to do." His smile transformed into a cheeky little grin that formed dimples on his cheeks. "Trying to paint you in a good light will take some time."
"Hey!" Albus objected playfully, enjoying the sound of Scorpius' laugher in response.
Swivelling on the spot, Albus noticed that the Platform was clearing up of students. "Anyway, we better go before they close the barrier on us," he said sadly, not wanting to say goodbye yet.
Scorpius' laughing dimmed and he nodded in response. "We should," he agreed. "But I'll see you in four days."
"For sure."
There was an awkward moment that passed in which neither of them knew what to do. Should they hug, shake hands, bump fists or simply wave in farewell? Deciding to take initiative, Albus chose to do an easy side-hug by gently pulling Scorpius right shoulder into his left and holding his arm around over Scorp's upper back. The contact was brief, but any time he had Scorpius is close proximity, Albus' heard sped up in excitement. He wished, however, that they were comfortable enough to hug fully.
Prolonging their half-hug for just a second longer than what was considered normal, Albus caught a whiff of that smell Scorpius always wore. Eventually, they separated.
"Bye," Scorpius said with a small smile.
"I'll see you," Albus said, watching Scorpius turn and walk back to his father, already missing the feel of him in his arms. "Four days," he murmured softly to himself.
It would feel like a year.


Next Chapter: Harry is inquisitive, Draco is precautious, and Al and Scorp are just missing each other.

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