Chapter Eleven

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*Ramseys' POV*

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*Ramseys' POV*

I regained my consciousness; my mind was fuzzy from sleep and I couldn't really focus. My wing ached from something fierce.

Could I be back in the lab? Their drugs had made me feel this way.

No, the lab was gone.. Wasn't it? Yeah, it's gone.

Why does my wing hurt? I had a few accidents and it throbbed like this for a few days. Had I ran into another tree?

What was that smell? It smelled.. clean. Nothing like the forest.

My mindlink was silent, no whispers or voices or even emotion flashed across it. I called, "Hello?" and heard my own sleepy voice. But no one answered. Someone had always answered my calls before..

I tried to open my eyes again, and this time succeeded. I blinked my eyes groggily in the dim ambient light. What? My mind tried to make sense of my surroundings as I raised my head and looked around, nearly twisting a full 360 degress in the process. My sight was still somewhat blurry from sleep, and I blinked as I tried to clear up my vision.

I was lying on some sort of hard cement; I twisted my head to look around. I could see a heat lamp in the back corner. There was a tray with two bowls in it infront of me.

I shook my head lightly to try and clear my mind as well as my eyesight. I triedto focus on the walls, without much success. I moved my tail to bump against a wall; but it seemed to be too far out of reach. 

I looked around frantically as panic started to build once more. I was in a cage. Again. What have I done to deserve this? Hasn't my life been harsh enoughn? Apparently, answers were in shorrt supply today.

There was some type of fabric draped over my large enclouser, so I couldn't see anything outside of it. I inhaled to try and suppress the panc. The smells of buildings and humans filled my nostrils. I also smelled water and meat.

My stomach grumbled, clearly unhappy that I was knocked unconcious without food, or water. My memories came back, and my eyes widened. The abnormal titan, the fight, my dislocated wing, and the approaching human. I glanced at my wing and blinked as I finally registered that it had a thick type of cloth acted as a sling for my wing. Agitated already and knowing we heal somewhat fast, I used one of my extended claws to cut the fabric, letting my wing expand and furl back. It hurt, but barely.

I cautiously stood up; my wing throbbed a bit, but nothing truly serious. I would be able to walk without it dragging on the floor behind me.

Recalling that the titan had managed to scratch me, I looked at my hind leg as I inspected the damage. The shallow slash on the side was now a scar running through my fur, visible as it was white and my pelt was light grey. My first battle scar? Cool. Dismissing its presence, I fianlly took a closer look at the cage I was in.

Near the entrance, on the tray there were two bowls; one held water and the other held meat. I eyed them up cautiously, but my body had other pressing needs. I looked at the deep tray of red dirt; it would have to work. I quickly took care of my business and buried it with care.

My stomach told me in no uncertain terms that it needed food now. I was happy that they had supplied my supper with meat. I carefully sniffed the diced up chunks of meat before trying one. The taste vaguely reminded me of juicy steak. 

I ate a few more pieces before my thirst overruled the sense of hunger, and I took a long drink of the water. My body felt very.. dry. I greedily drained the bowl. I was completely exhausted at this point, and my wing was slowly beginning to throb harder. My legs were starting to tremble as well.

I went back to where I woke up, hoping my body head stayed. It did, and I was overjoyed and curled up under the heat lamp while ensuring that my injured wing was resting on top so that I couldn't accidently roll or bump it. My head was feeling foggy again, as if I were drugged. Shouldn't be surprised, probably the water. 

I put my head under my wounded wing to shade my eyes from the unnatural light. Sleep claimed me moments later.

I woke again in a similar fashion as before as the drugs wore off. Eventually, I managed to move my head out from under my wing and glance around. I dropped my head with a grumble of surprise. The human sitting next to the cage glanced at me before making a sound like "tch" and focusing once more on the papers he was holding in his hands.

I recognized him as the same human who had approached me after the fight. I remained where I was; not that had much a choice. The drugs had not worn off enough for me to stand just yet. I looked around the room while keeping an eye on the human.

It reminded me of some type of workout center. It had two.. titan dummies? with dozens of levers all around. My cage was near one of the red levers. The human had brought a seat to sit right beside the cage.

Of all the seats available, he had to choose that one? The smell of water interrupted my greatly agitated thoughts, and my thirst made me focus on the bowl of water instead of my new roomy. I slowly stood up and cautiously moved towards the bowls by the cage door. Coincidentally, this brought me closer to the human. 

I hadn't realized just how big we had grown during the seven years. He was probably around five feet tall, and if there was an ounce of fat on his semi-muscular body, I sure couldn't see it. His foot was half the size of my paw. Sure, I had known these facts before hand, but having a human in front of me really made those facts hit hard.

I ate just enough meat to silence me raging digestive system before once more draining my water bowl. My wing was still throbbing, although not quite as bad as yesterday. I slowly moved back to the heat lamp and curled up while watching the human out of curiousity.

Drowsiness moved in quite fast, even as the pain faded slowly. Yep, something was definitely drugged. 

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