Chapter Fifteen

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After being dejected and put out from Morning Meeting, Levis' big window had the blinds up so I could see the sun rise

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After being dejected and put out from Morning Meeting, Levis' big window had the blinds up so I could see the sun rise. Although I wasn't able to discuss anything with my fellow gryphons, at least seeing the sunrise was amazing.

I was on my back haunches watching the sunrise from the window, my front two paws on the window ledge, my wings fluttering. I dropped back to all fours before pretending to explore the room. I kept an eye on Levi, who didn't have his usual scowl. His posture and face seemed relaxed.

I cautiously walked around most of the objects in the room and near Levi. Some, well most, were weapons like swords with supplies to clean and sharpen them. A different object in the corner had my attention though - It was a large blanket held up slightly in each corner to create a lare bowl-like thing. In the blanket was cushioning so it was almost like a bed. Over the blankekt was a large heat lamp.

I knew Levi was watching me, so I turned my head and gave him a deadpanned look. Levi looked shocked for a second before masking his emotions once more. I internally sighed. Honestly, he reminded me of my old friend from my village. It makes me want to comfort him. Wait. I already know they want to tame me to kill the abnormal titans and other titans. Seeing that abnormal titan dead those two times really satisfied me to ends I've never felt before.

I snorted as I continued to think, only to be interrupted by Levi himself, "You know, the king wants you to go to court. Just to see if we can have you in the scouts or for you to be dissected by the military police." 

I fluttered my wings at his response, trying not to turn my head when he said dissect as that would give away I'm still a sentient being. No thanks, rather not die. Making up my mind about my choices and life in the future. I stepped away from the cushioned blanket, and over to Levi. I gave out a soft cooing sound and laid on the foot of the chair, about a foot away to still keep some distance.

"Tch, what's gotten into you? You're usually so shy and timid." His words came out soft as he looked at me in admiration. I examined his features now that we were closer than ever before. His usual scowl hadn't left an imprint on his face, but you could tell he hasn't smiled in years. Knowing what people outside the walls see, he probably has a right to not smile anymore.

My tail swayed lightly on the ground as I rested my chin on my paws, my body, for some reason or another, liked being close to him. I felt protective around the human, like I was around the hatchlings in the flock. Am I seeing Levi as a part of the flock now? My mind worked gears as I tried to figure it out. I heard Levi shuffling something, I rolled my eyes.

I turned to watch Levi as he slowly leaned forward to put a sugar brick on the center of the tiny table. He sat back and waited. I sat where I was at his feet and watched him for a moment. Another thought crossed my mind, he isn't like the scientists.. I was no longer in the lab. Any resemblance this place might have had in my mind during those first days had vaporized.

As similar as their observing nature were, there was a different air about them. The scientists had studied us in a cold, analytical fashion to find out what made us tick. Taureen watched with a curiosity that any animal lover would be familiar with.

I slowly stood up and walked towards the brick before picking it up. I backed up a bit to where I was before and started to lick the sugar brick happily. Not regarding the fact that Levi was still watching me intensily.

Authors Note: Sorry this is just a filler and I know it's short I'm sorry sorry sorry sorry. ;c pls dont be mad. <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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