Chapter 16 - An Unexpected Visitor

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Some months later, I was busy fishing for my grandma when a child came calling to me.

-- Miss Karima! Miss Karima! There's a man out there who wants to talk to you! 

-- Huh!? -- who would want to talk to me? -- Who's that man? 

-- He didn't tell his name, but he is not from here. -- the child answered.

Oh, no… 

-- Thank you, sweetie. I'm going soon. 

It couldn't be, right? It couldn't be him. 

I got my fish and went home, as if I were walking casually, with my heart pumping on my chest. 

-- He's there -- my grandmother said as soon as I arrived. -- Child, don't give in to rage. I'm going to leave you alone, now. 

-- But nana… -- I tried to protest, but she just left. Then, I had no choice but to go in.

-- You. -- I stated matter of factly.

-- You have all the reasons for hating me -- he said standing up from the ice sofa I've made. 

-- I don't hate you. I could never hate you. 

-- But you still left. 

-- I did. -- I answered flatly, trying not to shake.

-- The Palace's halls are empty without you. I miss you everyday. I came to ask you to come back. 

-- You left the Palace just to be here to ask me to be back? -- I was shocked, and a little filled with disbelief. -- It's a huge indiscretion! 

-- Actually I came here officially to solve some issues with your Chieftain. I could have done it through letters, however. I took the opportunity to see you again. And to ask you to return. -- retorted him hopefully.

-- Zuko… -- I looked at him with a sad smile -- you have a family now. You have a child. 

-- Yes. Her name is Izumi, and I know you'd find her adorable.

-- I'm not going with you. -- I interrupted.

-- Why!? Is there someone else? Have you already given your heart to another person? -- he looked enraged.

I sighed and kept my patience. He had no right of jealousy. But, to be honest, neither had I. 

-- I love you, Zuko. There is no one, for I couldn't see myself beside anyone else.

-- Then why don't you want to come back?

-- Because of what I told you before. I love myself more. I don't want to be a mistress, I don't want to be the other one. I want more than someone sneaking into my room in the middle of the night. I want to hold hands, I want to be seen with the person I love. And I definitely don't want crumbs. If I can't have it all, I'd rather have nothing.

We looked at each other in silence, knowing that it might be the last time we would see each other. How much I wanted him!

-- I miss you everyday. -- he said finally.

I touched his face.

-- I miss you everyday, too. 

Then, we kissed. Deeply. A kiss that only two people who love each other and have been apart for almost a year would give. The air was getting hotter and I knew where this would lead. So, I stopped and looked deeply into his eyes, while still touching his face:

-- You should leave. 

He nodded and walked towards my door, but didn't leave before turning his back and saying to me, with his chin high:

-- You are still welcome at the Palace.

And I cried silently as he walked away. 

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