Chapter 22 - Family

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I left lunch to tend to his wife, who had a fever. I gave her a warm bath. She seemed embarrassed, but I was quick to let her know:

-- Here I am not a person. I am a healer, and there's no reason to be embarrassed about me. 

Her fever started to diminish, so I could breathe more easily. I had been worried. I got even more worried when she started crying.

-- What happened!? Are you in pain?

-- You wouldn't understand… You don't have children.

I swallowed. I really didn't. But I could see what was happening there.

-- You know why you can't see your child, right?

-- I know -- she said sobbing. -- But I miss her so much. You wouldn't understand… 

--... I don't have children. I know. Have your honey.

I finished tending to her, went to my quarters to bathe and then started to set a plane that was starting to outline in my head in motion.

After changed, I seeked to be in the Fire Lord's presence, at the Throne Room.

-- Fire Lord. 

-- What brings you at my presence? -- he seemed disturbed. 

-- My Lord, your wife misses your daughter. I know she can't be brought close to her mother, but I've had an idea on how to relieve her from part of this pain she feels.

-- Proceed. -- now he seemed intrigued. Good, I got his attention. 

Ignoring the fact that I wanted I run up those stairs and kiss him, I started sharing my idea with him.


The next morning Izumi and her father were playing in the garden. I came to meet them. 

-- Are you the lady who is taking care of mommy? -- she asked with a sweet voice.

-- Yes, I am. 

-- Can you give mommy this flower I got for her? -- she extended one of her little hands and showed me a beautiful white rose. I got it from her hands. 

-- I will give it to her immediately, princess. If you excuse me, Fire Lord. 

-- You can go. I'll be here. 

-- Perfect. 

I left straight to his wife's quarters.

-- What's that? -- she asked me as soon as she saw me going in her directions with the rose in my hand.

-- Your daughter picked it for you. Do you want me to give it to you or put it in a jar? 

Teary, she just extended her hand to get the flower, that I promptly gave to her.

-- You need some sunlight -- I said. -- I'm taking you to the window. 

I helped her to stand up and carried her to a chair I had placed in front of the window, then opened. The view was exactly to the garden, in which Izumi and her father were playing. She gasped and became mute, as I saw Zuko point to Izumi her mother. 

She tried to yell:

-- My daughter, I lov…

But she started coughing. 

-- You shouldn't yell. Why don't you watch her play? 

-- Mommy! -- I heard her little voice at the top of her lungs. -- Mommy, do you have the flower? 

She showed her the rose, while crying. 

-- Thank you, miss. Mommy, why are you crying? 

-- She's crying because she loves you so much, dear! -- I was quick to answer before she yelled again.

We spent the rest of the morning watching Zuko play with Izumi. I felt an intruder there, and I wanted to leave, but I couldn't leave her alone, so I stayed there, watching the family I got so close to destroy, watching the family that I wanted to have.

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