5. Piano

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Seokjin's Pov:

I smiled and greeted the customers that had walked into the store, taking my tablet in hand that I had left the back room to come and get. It was that time of the month to review our inventory and order new equipment, along with requested items from preferred customers, as Mr. Min referred to them as.

Three months had passed since I got the part-time job, and it was going well. Mr. Min was surprisingly not as bothersome as I had assumed him to be.

He was never around in the mornings, as I found out after joining that he was a professor at the local university, where he taught music. I suppose it's never good to judge a book by it's cover because I would have never thought upon meeting him during the interview process, that he was a professor, he didn't look like what I had expected professors to look like.

Getting the job did a lot to uplift my mood, being out of the house felt good too. I enjoyed coming to work, and I felt like I was doing something. I had gotten used to my routine, getting Jae ready for school, making him, and sometimes Jungkook breakfast, packing his and my lunch. Driving him to school and then making my way to work.

In the afternoon, I would leave work, pick Jae up from school and then head home, helping him with his homework, make dinner, and once I tucked him into bed, I would focus on my school work. Mondays, Fridays, and the weekends were a lot different, though. I didn't get up as early as workdays, and I used those days to clean, grocery shop, and focus on my school projects, if and when I had any. My weekends were dedicated to Jae mostly, being a young child, he was very hyperactive. It was hard to keep him calm; only Jungkook knew how to do that.

Jungkook had been doing his usual stuff, working, traveling, being home when he wanted to, and away when he wanted to. When I told him I had gotten the job, he faked smiled, and I saw right through it, but I didn't let it bring me down. I was making money, money of my own, it wasn't a lot, but it was enough for me to save.

I was finalizing some tasks when I heard the piano start playing, making me smile. It was one of the perks of working in a music store, whenever Mr. Min came from teaching, he would unwind by playing the piano. I found myself falling in love with the songs he would play. I would ask one of the staff what songs he was playing so I could add them to my playlist; they were usually very kind enough to share with me.

I would listen to them at times when I showered or sat down in our home office to work on my school assignments. Sometimes even while I stayed behind in the kitchen when Jae went to bed and had a glass of wine as I soaked in the sounds.

Yet, there was this one song he would play all the time, that no one could give me the name. They said it was an original by him; every time he played, I felt the passion and emotion he was playing with, it even made me emotional, sometimes moving me to tears.

He was playing that song right now, and I was yet again curious, so I placed my tablet down and walked towards his music room. Knocking at the door, I didn't receive any answer, but I pushed it open knowing it was because he was playing the piano why he couldn't hear me.

When I opened the door I watched as played the piano gracefully, his eyes closed, and his fingers dancing along the keys, I was so mesmerized watching him play that I didn't realize the music had stopped.

"If you are going to interrupt, the least you can do is announce yourself." Mr. Min states, pulling me from my daze.

"I am so sorry, I knocked, but you didn't hear me."

"Did you need something?" he got up from the piano and walked over to me.

"N-no, umm well, can you tell me the name of that song?"

"First Love." he walks closer towards where I was standing.

"Oh, and the artist, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Min Yoongi."

"Oh." was all I could say, I didn't actually think he had composed his own songs.

"Why do you want to know?" he stepped closer to me, a little too close, so I took a step back.

"I-it's a nice song. I like it."

He looked at me for a while, not saying anything, and I figured it was time for me to take my leave, as the atmosphere had become awkward, but as I turned to leave, he pulled me by my hand.

"Do you want me to teach you how to play it?"

I pulled by hand from his completely taken back by his sudden question. "I-I can't play."

He leaned his head to the side and smirked at me, "So you lied to me."

"What are you talking about?"

"You told me during the interview that you played the piano before."

A huge relief washed over me when I realize what he was talking about, "I did, I didn't lie about that."

"Then why are you saying you can't play?"

"Because it's also true, I was never good at it."

he walks over to me, standing yet again way too close for my liking, "I can teach you to be good at it."

I step back, my back connecting with something solid, I look behind me to find I was against the door. "I-I am okay."

"Are you sure?" he asked and stepped closer to me.

"No, y-yes, I mean yes, I am sure."

He smiled, and reached for my hand, "learning to play won't cause you any harm, come let me teach you."

I sighed in defeat; he was right; there was no harm in me learning.

I accepted his offer and walked towards the piano with him. I thought he was going to play, but instead, he told me to sit next to him and started playing the song I have grown to love, all while playing, he kept looking at me. I turned my head from him as I felt tears well in my eyes as I wasn't able to control my emotions; the song had that kind of effect on me.

"I always wondered what it would be like to have someone fall in love with my music, before falling in love with me. I guess now I know."

I wiped my eyes and turned to look at him, "What?"

"Tell me something." he scoots closer to me and takes my hand into his, "how is it I find myself still attracted to you after three months."

I yanked my hand away from his and jumped up from the seat, clearing my throat. "Mr. Min, I am married."

"You say that as if it's a memorized lyric" he gets up from the piano and walks over to me.

"I should go."

"You should, it will stop me from doing something inappropriate, that you may or may not like."

I have never left a room as fast as I had left his music room.


"You should, it will stop me from doing something inappropriate, that you may or may not like."

Those words haunted my mind as I laid in bed that night. He had unknowingly sparked something within me. It was the first time in a long time anyone had given me attention or showed me a hint of affection.

I suddenly wished Jungkook was home, but what was the point, even when he was home, he showed me little to no affection. We were going on six months without having sex. Whenever I attempted for us to, he would complain that he was tired.

I had now turned to toys to fulfill any sexual urges I had. I turned my head into my pillow and screamed in frustration. My life was nothing but a mess, sometimes I wish, I had the guts to end it all. 

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