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Louis' P.O.V.

Yesterday my team had it's actual training sesion and Today we had one of the last games this season. We wouldn't win but we were suer to make it in the top five clubs. Machaster and us ended with a tie of 3:3. I shot the goal that saved us from loosing. And now to celebrate Harry took Freddie and I out for dinner.

We were sitting at a secluded part of this fancy burgerplace and hid from the paps. We were talking about everything and nothing at the same time. Harry the saw someone behinde Freddie and I and waved them over. It was our old friend Liam Payne, Box- Champion and my best friend. "Liam!" I called after Harry waved. Liam was with his son Bear and his girlfriend Cheryl. 

"Hey guys, its been a wihle!" Liam greeted us. "We wanted to eat here. You don't happen to have already ordered?" Harry shoock his head. "No we haven't. But it would also be great if you would jion us." he invited them. "Of course, if we aren't a bother." Cheryl said befor he sat down next to Harry And put down Bear next to Freddie. Liam sat at the end of the table opposite Louis.

A waitress then came over and took their drinking order. The kids both got water while Liam and I got pints, Harry  ordered a glass of  red wine and Cheryl a white wine glass. Then we chatted a bit until Cheryl shifted the conversatin to Harrys new job. Don't be suspicious, was the only thing that ran through my mind. Liam also tensed up a bit but played it off with an anoyed eyeroll. 

"So Harry, how is it being a judge on the masked singer?" Cheyrl asked and Harry answered happily. "Oh it is so much fun! I love all of the Charecters, but to be honst, and pleas don't tell someone else, my favourite is the Dragon." and then Cheryl and Harry were compleatly engulfed in their conversation. 

Liam was then talking to me about the game today and praised my goal and I asked him about his next fight. Then the waitress came back with our drinks and we orded our meals. I orded fries for Freddie and Cheryl also orderd the same for Bear.  I went with a classic double chees burger countrary to Harrys green spelt Burger with bacon strips. Liam orderd a BBQ Burger and Cheryl a chicken burger. Then Harry went away to the toilett.

Liam got up and sat down between me and Cheryl befor he quietly said: "Could you pleas stop talking about the show? " He glared a bit at Cheryl, "you know that i have to lay low!" he hissed. That was when the dots connected in my head. "So you are the Scarecrow!" I wisper yelled in excitment wich caused both Cheryl and Liam to look extreamly frightened. "You can't tell Harry!" they quicked in usion. "Don't worry, I wont." I reassured them and befor I could say anything else Freddies quiet voice rang: "Daddy is the Dragon! Rah!" After that I just facepalmed. Great, you really coudn't count on Freddie he is spilling more secrets than Liam. 

Cheryl and Liam only looked at me amazed befor I saw Harry comeing back from the toiletts. Freddie and Bear were playing with their plushies, a little sloth an a tiger, and we adults chatted about our food as the waitress came again and served our food. 


After a folksy evening with Liam, Cheryl and Bear we said our goodbyes and went back home. on our way there we were listening to the radio an one of Harrys songs came on. "Papa, can you sing for me?" Freddie asked in a suger sweet voice. "Of cource Freds."Harry said an sang along to Adore you aswell as Freddie but my son was more bawlling the lyrics than singing them. "Come on Boo, sing with us!" Harry suddenly screamed and I went pale for a short second. "I have to concentrate on the road love, and Freddie is singing for the both of us." Harry gave me a sad smile befor hes sang again, Freddie still singing out of tune. 

As the song ended we were welcomed back by the radio host who had a special guest that he interviewed. "Welcome back to our interview with the lovely auther Jade Thirlwall. Her bestselling Booksieries 'Reach The Stars' is about to be turned into a movie! How does it feel to be the greatest british auther since J.K. Rowling?" "It is amazing, all the love and support of my lovely readers has been unbeliveable. I think I don't even get how huge my books are, but being able to see my stories come to life will be a dream come true." "So Jade would you like to tell us about these books of yours?" "Yeah, so there are five of them and they revolve around five diffrent people that all live on a imaginary planet tha-"

I cut the engine and got out of the car. "Lou, I know who the Peacock is!" Harry announced excited but I tried to ignore the topic. "Haz, I know that you love to talk about the show, but it was a long night and all I want to do now is watch a Disney movie with you and and Freddie and then go to sleep."

I shut him up with that. "Daddy, Papa I wanna watch the Chipmunks!" I ground silently. Freddie always wanted to watch the Chipmunks but after seeing all four movie up to twenty times each, I couldn't take their pitched voices anymore. "Erm, Freddie I thaugt about watching a Disney movie instead." I told him a bit meekly. Freddie looked at me thaughtfully befor a big grin spread over his soft features. "How about Dragons instead! I wanna watch 'How To Train Your Dragon'!" "That sounds like a good plan."Harry told him, also not being a fan of the Chipmunks, after unlocking  our front door.

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