Show Six

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Harry's P.O.V.

As the morning came over London. I sat and watched the sunrise. I smelled freshly cut grass and flowers. The vibrant colours in the sky tinting everyting in a warm golden glow. And then out of nowhere Louis came walking twarts me. He had a bit of a stubble but his hair was unusually perfectly styled. His chlothes weren't to big on him and actually fit him. And he wore his beautiful smile that made me feel like he was the reason for this magical sunrise.

The worls stopped turning as our eyes met and I forgot how to breath as I saw the blue of his eyes. And then he did something I didn't see comeing. He dropped down on one knee and-

"Papa, wakey wakey!"I opened my eyes and blinked a few times befor I remebered where I was. I was laying on the couch in the livingroom. Freddie stood next to my head and pulled funny faces trying to wake me. God damit, why did people always had to wake me up when I have amazing dreams! "Hey Freds." I mumbeled and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I looked at the clock and felt sick to the stomache. Why did I decide to take a nap again? I was late, like very late. And I even promised to drop Freddie at Lotties befor driving to the studio. Sthit!

"Freddie we have to go, like right now!" I screached and rushed to put on shoes on both our feet. "Do you bring me to auntie Lottie now?" The confused child asked but i fantikly shook my head and carryied him to the car. I then pulled out of our driveway and started to drive to the studio. I tried calming down so I wouldn't end up having an accident.

"Freddie Papa messed up, we have to drive to the studio. We'll calle auntie Lottie there but for now we have to hurry." I tried sounding confident even though I knew that I should have been at the studio nearly an hour ago. The worst part was that the show would start in forty-five minutes and the drive to the studio was at last half an hour on a good day. I messed up badly.

After an anxious car ride I finally pulled up in the carpark of the studio and sprinted into the building, Freddie in my arms. I broke through the door into my dressing room where Lou was trying to call me. "There you are Harry! The whole crew and Lottie have tried to call you for at least an hour now!" "Sorry, sorry I overslept! Is Lottie here?" I was totally out of breath. "Yeah, she is in her seat waiting for Freddie. But now sit down we need to touch you up!"

Following was thw quickest makeover I ever had. MY homechlothes were replaced with a sipmle dark blue suit and a floral shir underneath the blazer. My hair still looked wilde and the powder wasn't put on properly but we only had about five minutes befor the backstage manager called me to the desk because it was five minutes till showtime. I dropped of Freddie with a relived Lottie and promised to explain everyting during the breaks. I waas sitting in my chair for what felt like two seconds befor the show was broadcasted live and the intro played.

"Good evening Brittan! I am you host, Joel Dommett and you are watching 'The Masked Singer'! And like every week our fabulous pannel of judges inclutes Jonathan Ross, Rita Ora, Davina McCall and Harry Styles. These four alsong with the audience and the public at home try to figure out which celeb is hiding behind the masks. We already had ledgents like James Corden here aswell as last weeks reveal the dancer Jesy Nelson. A VT to her clues will follow shortly. BUt befor we start I have to inform the judges of a new special somtheing." Joel made a dramatic paus, which couldn't be a good sing. "For the fisrt time in the history of 'The Masked Singer' the judges will get pitures to guess who is star that is hiding in our beloved charecters! But there is a chatch. You will only be able to see these pictures for ten seconds!" Well, if you think it couldn't be more difficult life always finds a way to slap you in the face. Tis really isn't my day...


The clues that would have given away Jesy Nelson as the Pufferfish were:

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