Show Eight

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Ans then he was like 'you'd deserve better' and then he talked about not having put a ring iside the pastabox." I told Lou about my strange encounter with Louis the other day. "That does sound a bit strange or..." "Or what?" "Suspicious. I mean the things you told me sounded as if he tried to hint at it." Lou tried to ease my running thaughts. It didn't relly do anything though. "Thats the thing, he didn't! I was the one that hinted at the subject. After he told me that he kissed my cheek and left to watch TV with Freddie. He acted as if we never even talked about it to begin with!" my frustartion was getting the better of me. 

At this point not even my strawberry coloured suit with the lace button up could make me feel better. And normally wearing these chloths made me feel confident and contend. I played with my pearl necklace and stred into the mirror infront of me. My hair was brushed to perfection and my stubble shaved. I also had a dusting of powder over my nose and looked as if I was the calmest person on planet earth. But inside was a storm of emotions that threatened to overtake my extrior aswell as my thaughts. 

I took a deep breath and tried to meditate a bit. It's the semi final of 'The Masked Singer' and I am pumped. I am actually looking forward to the show more than any other time. I just really need to take my minde off of all these thing revolving a certain proposal that didn't happen. 

"What do you think Freddie? Do you think daddy will propose to papa soon?" I then asked and turned arround to the little couch that stood beside the door. but insted of seeing the little boy, all there was were Freddies plushies. Oh, no! I lost him! "Lou have you seen Freddie?"  The womman turned arround from her makeup bag and furrowed her brows. "Yeah doesn't he sit over there?" "No he isn't here! Oh no! Oh god! I lost him! Lou when did he disapear? Why didn't we notice him leaving?" I was frantic and going insane. This couldn't be happening. "Harry calm down or else we won't find him. I am sure that he was still thre ten minutes ago. MAybe he just went to look for the toilets? He did get a tour of the studio didn't he? Freddie is a very smart boy, he won't get lost." "Okay your right, I'll just search for him a bit. I need to find him."

I am speedwalking along the endless seeming corridor in search of the little kid. After some time I still din't find him and I alredy looked intoo every toilet and I even searched the audience room and backstage area of the stage. I didn't find him. Where could he be? I stopped in the middle of a corridor and thaught for a few seconds. And then it hit me. Freddie loved the Dragon, he was on his way to find the charecter!

My steps became faster and longer. I searched for the dressingrooms for the Charecters  and when I finally found the corridor a securityguard stopped me. "Mr. Styles you can't be here." He told me. "Please can you look for my kid? I think he is here somewhere. I've been looking everywhere and I think he might be in the dressing room of the Dragon. I really do not know where else to look for him!" I sounded so desperate. "Mr. Styles just sit down a bit over there and I will look for the kid. The audience will be let in any second now and you too have to go out there soon. Do not worry I'll finde him." The guy really calmed me down.

I sat down arround the corner and looked at the ceiling. When you think everything is perfect for a moment life pulles a prank on you. Atleast I didn't think about engagements for the last half hour.

"Papa!" "Freddie you scared me so much!" Please don't ever sneak of again!" I told the blonde and hugged his little body close. "I meat Mr. Dragon papa. Looke he is so cool!" I then looked up to a guy chlothed in black with white lettering spelling 'DO NOT TALK TO ME'. "Thank you." I told the disguised man and he nodded. He then crouched down to be on eyelevel with both Freddie and I and then pretended to zip his lips closed. Freddie mimiced the guesture and then hugged the person that was apperantly the Dragon. "Bye bye." Freddie then wispered into the pmans ear befor taking my hand and leadig me away.

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