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Harry's P.O.V.

My head was laying on Louis' chest and his arms were wraped arround my torso. It was fairly early in the morning and Freddie was still asleep. I loved these moments. Just staying thre in a comfortable sinlence feeling as if nothing in this world could harm you. I feel safe in Louis arms, I feel at home.

"Why did you invite Liam and Bear over last week?" I then asked into the silence. "Freddie didn't want to do anything, not even watch the Chipmunks. It was scary. Then I asked if I should invite them over and suddenly he was back to being the little boy we know and love." Louis told me befor burrieing his noes in my curls. "Sounds like he needs other kids arround him." I voiced my thaught. "Yeah, I think so too. I mean he does need ciblings at one point." Louis mumbeled but what he had said made me sit up.

"You're planning on getting more kids?" "Erm, yes. I always wanted a big family and if you don't mind..." "Why should I mind getting more kids?" Louis searched my eyes for a bit befor sitting up aswell. "I was planing on it for a while now." he then admitted. "And how do you want to get siblings for Freddie?" I was getting excited. I also wanted a big family and talking about more kids with the love of your life is something that makes you feel ontop of the world.

But Louis seemed a bit cautious. He didn't look me in the eye for a long wihle and also doged my gaze as he started talking again. "Well, I actually talked to Gemma and her boyfriend about that already..." he driffted off and seemed to get smaler than he already was. "Wait Gemma agreed to be a surrogate for your child?" I asked a bit taken aback. He is talking about my sister here. "No, not my baby. Ours!" He then told me taking my hand and staring into my eyes again. Wait ours? 

Suddenly a wave of joy overtook me and I let myself fall into his chest. I was crying happy tears. He took my face in his tiny hands and wiped my tears away. I couldn't hold it back anymore and kissed him staight on his lips. I started to not only tast my tears but also Louis'. 

After a bit of kissing we pulled away again and leand our forheads together. "When do you plan on doing...whatever you have to do?" I asked a bit out of breath. "We can call Gems right now and arrange an appointment with the doctors as soon as possiable." "That'd be great." I breathed out. Who needs to get married when they get a kid?


Louis' P.O.V.

Gemma and I were in the car on our way to the doctors appointment. It was only a few days later and we were lucky to get an appointment. I already donated everything necessary months ago and Gemma was also already prepared. The plan to get kids wasn't resent. I had planned on it for about four to five months now. We had everything already setteled and only needed Harry to agree aswell.

Arriveing in the parkinglot I could feel my hands getting shakey. This was something huge and I had the honor to be the one to accompany Gemma. Harry couldn't be here because he had an interview again. He said that he would cancel it but in the end he decided against it because we didn't want to rais to much attention. Harry gets paped more than me, mainly because he is internationally famous and I'm 'just' a football player. Not that many people care about my privat life. At least not as many as for Harry.

I didn't even notice that we had already enterd the building and were standing at the front desk. "Welcome we are waiting for you already Ms. Styles, Mr. Tomlinson. We will start with the sergury in a bit. Ms. Styles will come with me while Mr. Tomlinson can wait in the lobby or drive home again. We will call you on your phone as soon as the transplant is over but Ms. Styles will probalby still be asleep for another hour or so after." The doctor we had met a lot this week told us. "Louis you can go and spent the time with Fred, I'll manage." Gemma told me shortly after the doctor let us sing our final documents.

"You sure you want me to leave?" I made sure but all she did was hug me befor telling me to buy her some frozon yoghurt with berries. I had to laugh. "Of course. See you in a few hours Gems." We then waved goodbye and I left again. 

The drive home wasn't to long and I was actually glad to be able to come home. Lottie was there to watch Freddie but she actually said she had some important things to do for work so I'm sure she will apreciate being able to do them at home and not with high pitched voices of animated animals in the background.

And I was right. Lottie was extreamly thankfull to escape the voices singing about Christmas and presants. "Hey there." I told Freddie as he looked at me a bit funnily. "Dad where did you go?" he then asked me. Well he needs to learn the truth anyway so why not tell him.

"You see my little Droplet, I went out with auntie Gems and we are trying to get something." "What is it?" "Well we, your Papa and I want a few more kids, so you aren't lonely and get to be a big brother. So auntie Gems is now at the doctors to see if she can get pregnant with mine and papa's new baby." I tried to explain as simple as possiable and also to make sure my son doesn't think we want to replace him. But apperently I didn't have to try this hard becaus a wide smile spread across his soft features. "I get little baby siblings?" He asked jumping arround. "Yes love a little brother or sister." I told him. "When will it be here?" I lauged at his enthusiasam. "Well when everyting works smoothly then in about nine months. In mid February, after Papas birthday." i explained to him. "And how old will I be?" "Five, Freddie. You will be five then." 

Then his face changed. "But... But that is soooo far away!" he wihned and I let out a shigh of relieve. "Yeah it will take time but babys can't be rushed. How about we pick up auntie Gems when she is finished yeah? I did promise her some froyo, and if you are well behaved you'll get some too." I said in a teasing tone. "But dad," Freddie started, putting his hand on his hips "I am always well behaved." He certainly got the sass from me. 

Then my phone rang with the doctors number on display. "Looks like auntie Gemma is finished, lets go befor she gets to impatient." We garbbed each others hand and jogged outside while I answered the phone. "Hello?" "Mr. Tomlinson, I am pleased to announce that everything went amazingly well. Ms. Styles will be awake soon." "Thank you so much, I'm on my way." I told the woman on the other line befor she ended the call. "Freds it seems like your sibling is on it's way."

Befor I started the engine I sent a quick text to Harry: "Everything worked. The bun is in the oven!" 

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