The Final

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Harry's P.O.V.

I can not belive that the final has already arrived. It has been such an amazing journy and I'm a bit sad that everything will end tonight. But noone can take this expirience away from me. I fell a bit melancholic strolling down the corridors of the studio. Freddie neyt to me doesn't seem bothered in his Dragon fan t-shirt. He was clutching his dragon plushies to his chest and stumbeled alsong sied me.

The walk to my dressing room wasn't that long and soon we stood infront of the door. As I opened the door I could already see Lou inside preparing her supplies. "Hello there Lou." I gretted and hugged her. "Hey Harry, Hi Freddie. How are you two?" "I'm doing great and I hope you too." she gave me a nod and a bit of a smile.

"Lou! Lou! I'll be a big brother soon!" Freddie then told her excited. Ever since Louis had told him about the baby he telling that everyone he knew. "Thats great!" Lou told the blond boy but gave me a glance that demanded an expaination. So I did just that. I told her about Louis and I's conversation and that he and Gemma had everything already prepared. I mentioned that the whole thing went smoothly and that we will soon know for sure if really everything worked out.

"Last week you were worried about getting engaged and this week you tell me that you are expacting a second child? You work fast young man." Lou then joked and started helping me dress in my final outfit. It was a light yelloy suit with pale blue stitchings of flowers arround the arms and pantlegs. The springgreen, seethrough shirt underneat ahd also stichings of the blue flowers along with some yellow ones. along the pocets of the suitjacket there were som greein and blue stiching. And to finish it all of I wore my beloved pearl necklace and a collection of rings.

Time passes by way to quickly and it is time for me to leave for mainstage. Freddie was holding my hand as we walked through the corridors one last time. "Who do you want to win Freddie?" I ask him and we stopped walking a few meters away from the door that devided us from the studio. "The Dragon, I want him to win. You love him to papa, right?" His little hopefull eyes looked at me. "Yeah, I would be happy if he wins. He has actually the best chances because he has never lost a duel so far." 

We exchanged a smile and walked through the door. The audience was already sitting and I spotted everyone. My mom, Gemma, Lottie, the twins, Mark and I also swa Cheryl and Bear sitting with Liams family. I did notice that Louis was missing but he had told me that he was most likely comeing late. The families of all the reveald contestants were there along with the people we judges invited. The rest of the audience was dressed in shirts to support their favourit Charecter. Some even made sings with words like 'Support Mystery, Vote The Dragon!' or 'Make The Lion A Real King!"

I sat down next to all the other judges. Jonathan was dressed like usual in a simple suit but his tie was a bit more fancy then usual. Rita wore a white and gold dress and looked like a goddess. Davina wore a butterfly inspired dress with a bit of glitter on it. You could tell that tonight was the final, everyone tried to look their best.

It is now two minutes til showtime and suddenly there was a lot of movement arround the stage. That was when I remembered the big opening song, where all the Charecters sang a song together. All the celebrities got another chance to shine in their costumes one more time. Everyone but the four finalists were placed across the stage ontop of platforms or simply in the stage. The two tunnels that lead onstage were kept open and I asume that the other four would be coming out of there.

As soon as everyone was on their assinged places the intro was shown on the screen. It was only a metter of seconds til it really started. The intro ended and the Lights were then pointet at the Charecters and the music to Hall of Fame by The Script and started playing as the Charecters all got a few lines to sing solo. When the chorous came arround for the second time the finalists walked in. Fisrt the Dragonfly and the Lion. Then the Peackock and Dragon. Those four then got to sing their solos during the bridge and in the end they all sang the last chorous together.

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