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Louis' P.O.V.

It was a normal, maybe even boring morning. Harry was out doing some promotions for the semi finals of the show and I was home alone with Freddie. I usually enjoyed the time we could spent allone but today Freddie had this wierd behaveior. He didn't really wanted to do anything, not even watch the Chipmunks. That was when I got extreamly worried. Since when does he not want to watch the Chipmunks? This has never happened befor.

I was so worried that I even checked his temperature and wanted to drive to the docters but the little boy made sure to tell me that he was fine. I am still worried that something is wrong thogh. I mean it doesn't happen everyday that your child suddenly doesn't want to do anything. Atleast not when the child is only four. I thaought about things we could do and settlet on calling Liam. Maybe all Freddie needed were some other kids arround him. I know that he needs siblings and I'm working on that already but that is something you can not rush.

"Hey Freds, what would you say about inviting Liam and Bear over? The two of you haven't had a playdate in a pretty long time." After that it seemd like my son was compleatly excahanged with his normal cheery self and not the bord, dull kid he was second ago. Yeah he really just needs other kids arround him.

About half an hour later Liam and Bear arrived at our home. Bear was all dressed up in a combination of different colord shoes, what seemed like some of Liams old gold chains a cowboyhat and a puffy ballerina skirt. I had to laugh a bit. Bear was known for his unusual fashion choices but his strange mixes that seemed always so random, made the three year old looke even cuter. And the little boy certainly didn't have a filter. He and Freddie together normaly caused a lot of chaos but they're kids so noone was ever really angry at them.

"Teddy, you look so pretty!" Freddie told the younger child and hugged him close. The two kids were really close. The were basicly the only kids they had constant contact with wich caused a strong bond between them. The Teddy thing was a nickname I caused. Back when Freddie was only a year and we wanted to visit Liam and his new baby Freddie was scared because his toddler brain thaught that he was an actual bear. A scary one at that. I told him then that no, he wasn't an actual bear but a baybe that was cuddely like a teddybear. Since then Freddie called Bear Teddy most of the time. It truely was adorable.

Bear also had a nickname for Freddie. He thaugt that Freddies second name was Rain isted of Reign so he settlet on Rainy. That also inspired me to call my son Droplet. "Thank you Rainy! Wanna dress up too?" And with that both of the kids were skipping away twarts Freddies room.

"Hey mate." I then greeted Liam that chuckeled and pulled me into a big hug. We stayed like that for about a minute befor I finally colsed my door. "So tell me, how are things." Liam wanted to konw and I told him about Freddie needing siblings. "I mean he was like a ghost this morning befor I told him we could call you two over." "Yeah I guess he really needs siblings. I mean I'm sure he will be a great big bro." "I am sure of that. I know Harry also thaught about children. He always wanted a big family. And I started thinking about a way to get more kids." Liam gave me a suspicious look "You don't plan to do what I think now are ya'?" "Well I can't read your mind Lima Bean but if you think that I am thinking about a surrogate than yes." Liams face fist changed into a state of shock, he was pale and all, befor starting to smile a bit. But then his face changed compleatly. "Does Harry know about it?" he then asked. "Not now, You know what I have planned and I thaught about telling him then aswell. I mean I alredy talked to Gemma and both her and her boyfriend agreed to it." "So Gems would carry the child?" I nodded and Liam let everything sink in. "That actually sounds like a decent plan." Liam told me befor we saw both Freddie and Bear running twarts us.

Freddie was now aswell all dressed up. He wore one of my old jerseys that I wore as a kind. paired with Harry's jewlery and knee high socks with different patterns. He also stole an old snapback of mine and it now nearly fell of his bold hair. Liam snaped a few pictures of them, they just looked way to cute to not take pictures. 

"What do you two need?" I ask in a soft voice and crouch down to be on eyelevel with the kids. You need to come Daddy, we prepare dsomething. It is very important!" Freddie told me in a serious tone. "You to uncle Lima." Freddie then told Liam and both kids took our hands and guided us upstairs.

They had set up some chairs and pillows on which their stuffed animals sat. And between the two rows of seats they had layed out fairylighits that weren't even switched on. It was a bit unclear what they expected us to to untill Freddie told me to sit down in one of the empty chairs and start the music as soon as he gave me permission. He then placed a very big pandabear at the end of the assail. It slowly made sense whate these two were planning. Liam and Bear were still standing in the doorfraim waiting for Freddie to make the final touches. He then gave me permision and Perfect by Ed Sheeren started to play.

Bear then pulled on his fathers arm and they walked down the short asail. At the end Liam let go of his kid and sat down next to me. They were playing wedding. We were waiting paitently for something to happen but the children just looked at us expectantly. "One of you need to play the priest." Bear said and then I got up and hid behind the stuffed panda.

"We are joined here today to wittness the marrige of Freddie Reign Tomlinson and Bear Grey Payne." I started. "These two kids are joind here by their dads and plushies to wittness their bond of love getting seald forever." I may be getting a bit overdrametic but hey, whatever makes them happy. "And now your vows." "Teddy I promise to protect you and love you. We will be together forever!" "Rainy I will love and protect you forever aswell." I had a few tears in my eyes and Liam was no different, this is just too heartwarming. "Freddie do you want to take Bear to your...husband?" I asked uncertain. "Yes I do." "And Bear do you want to take Freddie as your husband aswell?" "Yeah, I want to." "So now I will declare you as husband and husband. You may hug now." "But dad, you are meant to say kiss!" Freddie complained. I just sighed. "You are now declared husbands. You may kiss now." 

And they did just that. Well having your first kiss at three, four years of age is rather insane really. but they are kids. It was only an innocent peck on the lips.

"I am gone for like three hours and Thre is a wedding held at my place that I am not even invited to!" We then heard a voice coming from the hallway. It was Harry standing there with a wide smile and his phonecamera pointed twarts us. "How was the interview baby?" I asked and gave him a kiss as a welcome. "Was good. It is also great to see you two Liam."

Overall the afternoon ended up being quit great and a lot of games and a singing performance of Harry and Liam later it was time for the Paynes to leave. After they left we stettled in the kitchen and Harry started to cook dinner. Freddie was in the livingroom and ended up watching the Chipmunks to noones surprise.

"Well I would have never gussed that Freddie will get married befor me." Harry said while looking for pasta in the cabinets. "To be honset, me neither but the little one certainly rushed it a little." I told him and gave him a kiss. "Do you think we'll get married?" God damn it Harold, why do you always have to do that! "Probably." I tried to play it off with a shrug. "Is that your way of proposing to me?" Harry asked. I know he tried to sound like he ws joking but I knew him well enough to see that hopeful glint in his eyes. Oh if you only knew. "You see this isn't exactly romantic, you'd deserve better than that. And just so you know, no I didn't put a ring into the pastabox." I gave him a a kiss on the cheek befor fleeing into the livingroom.

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