Show Five

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Harry's P.O.V.

I was driving down the familiar streets taht lend me to the studios. For the last month I drove down there at least once a week and now, this drive right now marks halftime. These streets became a part of my life now and they actually grew on me. I enjoyed seeing the The little shops change collection or the cinema haveing new posters on display. I loved driving by the florist and the hairdressers or even the big business buildings. And I especially enjoyed wathcing the people scatter arround. Some running to cath a cab other haveing a relaxed shopping spree. This made me feel almost normal. On the road I wasn't 'Harry Styles' I was just me, simply Harry that tends to be way to clumsy for his own good.

I looked intoo the rearview mirror seeing Freddie sitting there playing with his new plushies. He bugged both Louis and I so long untill we bought him stuffed dragons. One was Blue and remainded me of 'The Dragon' on the show. Then there was a green one with wings and one that was smaler and in an aqua colour. originaly I only wanted to buy one but Freddie had declared that they were a family, just like us. I might have secretly shead a tear and bought all of them after he told me that. 

Lottie couldn't come tonight because she was sick and neither could my mom or Gemma, they couldn't clear their scedual at such short notice. I now didn't know what to do with Freddie. He still had his seat but I couldn't just let him sit between strangers. And then there was the problem with Louis being at practice and not looking on his phone. I desperatly needed him to watch his child but I knew that he coudn't just leave. And I also din't want him to feel guilty. I taught for a while until I got an amzing idea. I could call Cheryl and ask if she, Bear and Liam wanted to come by and watch!


Freddie and I were sitting in my dressing room and waited for Lou. I pulled out my phone and called Cheryl. Dhe answered after the third ring. "Hello Harry, how can I help you?" her voice came out of my speaker. "Hey Cheryl, I've got a question for you." "Ask me, don't be shy." she encouraged me. "Well, you see Louis has practice the whole night and I'm on the show as you know and now I wondered if you maybe would like to come and watch Freds? You can bring Bear and Liam also, I can get you more seatcards! It's just that Louis' sister is sick and I really need someone to watch Freddie during the show is live." I knew I was ranting and was interupted by Cheryl laughing loudly. "I was about to drive there. Bear and I wanted to see the show live for long. Liam is sick though, but I'm sure I can handle both of the boys." she reasured me befor we both ended the call with an exchanged 'see you later'. 

Lou then came inside and started to touch up my face. She again brushed my hair into place and powdered my face. Then she helped me with my suit for the week. It was grey suit with that was sparesly checked with some lilac and lighter and darker grey tones. underneath I wore a lilac dressshirt and a dark grey lace bowtie. While I put on my rings again I looked at Freddie who was playing with Lou's daughter Lux. I could have asked Lou to watch Freddie but I knew that she and Lux were on a hurry because they needed to catch a plane to Sweden where another costumer of Lou's needed her for a charity event.

"Thanks Lou!" I yelled after her as she hurried out of the building. I then made my way twards the studio again and looked for Cheryl and Bear. 

They were sitting in the seats that were next to the ones I had originally blocked for Freddie and Lottie. "It's great to see you both!" I welcomed them, huged Cheryl and petted Bears hair. Bear and Freddie were close friends and played often together. They were a cute duo. Louis and Liam were also close since befor the kids were born. They met at a game of Louis' for the first time and then started to really bond as Louis attended Liams fight a few days later. Those two were close befor they got houshold names and always joke about being brothers. But I get why they are that close. Growing up in the lime light isn't easy and they can be happy to have each other.

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