At The Shopping Center

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Louis' P.O.V.

Today Harry and I planned on having a date at the mall, but because Lottie was still sick we took Freddie with us. I parked my car in the parkinglot and put some sunglasses on. I hepled Freddie out of the backseat and turned to look at Harry. He actually wore something inconspicuous today.  Blue jeans, I didn't even know he had a pair that wasn't black or extreamly skinny, and grey hoddie. He looked strangelx normal and not like himself. Even wierder was the fact that he wore one of my old beat up snapbacks. I tried tooking normal aswell but it isn't that much of a change for me becaus my style is always very casual.

We planned on shopping chothes for us and Freddie. Mostly Freddie because he just reasently had a growth spurt. I have the sneaky feeling that he might end up being taller then me but i hope not by much. I am very insecure about my hight because most footballers are much taller and muscular then me but I make up for it by being much faster, agile and flexsiable.

The first store we went to was some fancy shop Harry always shops in: Gucci. He looked through suits, shirts, shoes and whatever else there was and in the end he didn't even buy anything! We were in there for nearly an hour! Then we stoppet at Starbucks were we met a few fans that took pictures with both of us but without Freddie. Freds was playing with his dragon plushies the whole time ever since we entered the Gucci store.

The next store was addidas. I actually bought something in there, a few new shirts; a jacket; trackie bottoms and a hoddie. And I also picked up my new football shoes becaus the ones I play with at the moment are very defunct.

And after that Harry went into countless other shops, in many of them spending what felt like hours without buying anything again or rushing through the whole shop and buying so much that he bearly was able to carry all his bags.

"Dad can we go home?" Freddie then asked me and to be honest I couldnt stand this anymore either. Harry now led us twarts the Gucci store again and I am about to scream. We were suppost to get my shoes and a few chlothes and We planned on buying Freddie a new wardrobe. We sertainly weren't supposed to buy Harry so many items he doesn't even need!

"Harry, can we please stop." I said in a serious tone after Harry bought jewlery at Gucci. "What do you mean? WE haven't even been here for that long." He said as if he didn't even notice that both Freddie and I were getting tired. "Harry we got here at ten A.M. and now its nearly four and neither of us had anything to eat since the snacks at Starbucks and don't get me started on takeing a break! Freddie wants to go home and we originally came here because he needs new chloths, not you!" I was pissed and couldn't hold back anymore. Me and my child are hungry tired and bored, which is an extreamly bad combination and my boyfriend is so absorbed by shopping that he didn't even notice!

"Wait are you serious?" Harry then asked me. "Yes Harold we have been hre for nearly six hours and all you did was chase us arround!" I nearly screamed at this point. I need a break! "Oh my, I am so sorry! We can go eat something right away! I am so sorry, like I- I am such a treiable person! Sor-" "Stop apologizeing Haz. It's fine. And for the record you aren't a treiable person. You are actually one of the kindest person I ever met. Let's go eat befor I lose my temper compleatly."

We ended up in McDonalds much to Harrys dislike. "This food is bad for you, ya know." He told me but I wouldn't have any of it. "Well we are eating here because we do not have enough time for anything else. Freddie still needs a whol lot of chloths and if it wasn't for someone chaseing us arround the whole day we actually would be finished already!" I gave Harry a sharp look and took a bite out of my burger. "You said it was fine!" Harry then protested. "It is fine but i really need something in me stomach right now!" I then groweld and put my attention on Freddie who happily ate his chips. 

"Freddie is it okay if we goe to a few stors after eating to buy you some things?" I asked softly. MY son thaught about it for a few minutes befor smirked at me. "Only if you and Papa watch the Chipmunks with me at home." he then said as his smirk grew. I groned inside my head but gave Freddie a bright smile. "Deal." I then told him befor looking Harry dead in the eye and mothed 'This is your fault'. Harry only gulped and ate his salad in silence.

 We ended up buying Freddie the same pair of pants in mulitiple different colors. Many shirts and a few jackets and pollovers. We also baugt him new shoes because he also outgrew his thinner shoes already even though we only bought new ones in february. We also stopped at a toy store and got Freddie an new coloring book and he choos glittery pencils and a blank booklet. My child has a love for art that I don't really get but I am happy when he is.


A long day of shopping, a little argument and two very draining movies of the Chipmunks later I finally lay Freddie down in his bed. He fell asleep only a minute befor the last movie ended and I am happy to bring him up. A minute less of these pitched voices really can make a big difference. "Good night my little baby dragon." I wispered and place a kiss on Freddies forhead befor turning on his nightlight and leaveing his bedroom.

I fell into bed next to Harry with a groan. This day was exhausting and all I wnated to to was sleep. "Lou? You really aren't mad?" Harry asked me and looked at me through the dark like a child asking his mom for forgiveness. "Of course I'm not love. I was just very drained and needed a break darling. Don't beat yourself up, it really is perfectly fine." I wispered and smiled a bit, my eyelids heavy. "Sweet dreams Pumkin." "Sleep thight Boobear." And then I fell asleep with Harrys lips on my forhead.

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