The Party Incident

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This is a really long one so I hope you enjoy this :)
I stopped and asked Ben and Beverly if they could go get Mike and they agreed. "So who do you share a dorm with?" I looked at Stan and said "Eddie Kasbrak" he looked surprised when I said that name. "He's one of my best friends" but his face kinda dropped. I picked his chin up so he could look at me. "Are you okay?" He wouldn't look me in the eyes "" I embraced him in a hug. His small figure felt nice to hug. He started to cry a bit so I held him for a bit. "I'm sorry with whatever is happening" my eyes watered. I had just met him and we felt like we've known each other forever. He soon stopped crying and sat on the floor. So I sat with him. "If you don't wanna go to the party we can go back to my room and watch a movie or something." "Nah I still wanna go" I grabbed his hand and pulled him up and put him on my back, he seemed tired. He put his chin on my neck as I walked. He smelt like sweetness. He was a bit bigger than Eddie but still was small. He wrapped his arms around my neck and finally relaxed after a bit. We finally got to the party and I put him down. We walked in and saw all of our friends in a small circle. He wrapped his arm around mine. I felt safe with him,happier even. He let go and we started to walk to our friends. I put on a smile as Mike gave me and Stanley a drink. We soon all separated and went to party. It was Stan and I, Ben Beverly and Mike and then Bill and Eddie. Everyone else was drunk while Stan and I weren't drinking as much as they were. I kept my eye on Eddie, his hands intertwined with Bills as they danced to the loud music.
Eddie stopped. Looked Bill in the eyes.Grabbed Bills face and kissed him. My hear broke and so did Stanley's.
Stanley was watching too we soon started to drink more and more until we were a bit less drunk then our friends were. Our friends were either slumped over on the couch or dancing with one another.
*30 minutes later*
All of our friends were passing out everywhere so we decided to get everyone to leave with us so we could all sleep and they won't wake up somewhere random. First we dropped off Mike, then Beverly, then Ben, until Stanley and I both had the drunkest people out of them all. I put Eddie on my back and Stanley was holding onto Bill. We were both annoyed but cared about our friends we just met. We went our separate ways and I still had Eddie on my back, asleep. His faint snores in my ear. My brain was thinking to fast so I could barley hear his snores. I finally make it to our room and wake him up. "Eddie come on man we need to get you in the shower you smell worse than I do." "RICHIE hey...mannnn... have you seen Bill I have to tell him something." My head knew what it was but my heart was wishing for the opposite answer. "I need to tell Billllll... I um like him...a lot" I wanted to let him sit on the floor for the rest of the night I didn't want to help him but I had to. "Listen Eddie we need to get you in the shower now" I got annoyed,raised my voice and I could see the hurt in his eyes but he understood. I let him get in the shower and do whatever, he then dried himself off and I got him clean clothes out. "Hey RICH look man I think you're a really good friend...buttt I need help with Bill." I put him on his bed and he fell asleep instantly when he put his head in my lap not realizing I wasn't his pillow. It didn't feel right. I then got ready for bed and couldn't sleep.
Stanley's POV
Richie soon left me to go tend to Eddie and I would do the same. Bill was a little shorter than Richie. He was about 5'11 so it was very hard for me to keep him upright as I'm only 5'8. We finally get to his room I sit him on his bed. "Stanley will youuuu tell Eddie something for meeee?" The only reasonable answer for why Bill wasn't stuttering was because he was drunk. "Sure" I got some clothes out for him and got a towel and stuff for a shower. "Please tell Eeeeddddiiieeee...that I like himmmmm." My patience level has reached the max but I didn't wanna yell at him. "Listen your gonna get in the shower okay..and then-n your gonna get ready for bed I'm leaving Bill I'll see you tomorrow." "I'll need help." He put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. But it didn't feel right.I couldn't say no. "Fine" I held back my tears as I turn the water on in the shower. I let him get in by himself. After about 20 minutes I went to check on him. I knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey Bill are you okay?" I opened the door, he had his knees up to his chest and he sat in the shower crying. "Please don't t-tell S-Stan you saw me like this. My heart broke because of how sad he seemed. I finally got him out of the shower and he dressed himself laid down and fell asleep. He looked so peaceful. But it didn't feel right when I looked at him.

The Party~Reddie AuWhere stories live. Discover now