The Realization

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                   Eddies POV
I wake up at 3:26 am still next to Richie our faces inches apart. His arms wrapped around me tightly but enough to move.
On the other bed Beverly is still in the same position she was last night and so were Bill and Stanley: Holding hands as Stanley's head was on Bills stomach.
On the floor Mike and Ben laying on the bean bag chairs.
I snuggle my head under Richies neck and fall quickly asleep.
                 Richies POV
I wake up slightly to Eddie moving around. My arms wrapped around him still. He looks around at everyone and then snuggled his head underneath my chin and relaxing meaning he had fallen asleep.
I didn't wanna move it was perfect: Eddie the boy I liked in my arms, and all my friend together.
Eddies arms move a little and he puts one arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. My heart skipping a beat.
But then my mind started to wonder. Did he still like Bill and this was a 'friend thing': having your arms around someone's waist as the snuggled as you slept. Or did he finally change his mind. His brain thought of one answer but his heart wanted the other.
After a bit of overthinking he finally stopped and thought about where he was: holding on to Eddie...that was the only thing that mattered at that one moment, he didn't want to let him go he wanted to savor this moment while it lasted. He don't know how Eddie would react to waking up like this, he looked around and didn't freak out so maybe he was okay with it?
Again he thought about where he was, pulled Eddie closer and fell asleep listening to everyone breath but especially focusing on Eddies small snores.

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