The Aftermath of the Party

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Stanley's POV
I went back to my dorm to find Ben asleep. I laid down after putting some pajamas on. My hair was a mess and I smelled like cigarettes I then realized Richie carried me.
I wanted to talk to Richie again. Everyone put their numbers on everyone's hand so I had Richies number. I had washed my hands so many times throughout the night it was very faint but I could still see it.
Stan:Hey is this Richie
Richie:sure is, is this stan the man
Stan:yes yes it is,I can't sleep
Richie:I can't either
Stan:if I tell you something will you swear not I tell anyone
Richie:I promise
Stan:I know we just met but... I think I like Bill and I know he's your friend but I just had to get that off my chest
Richie:Oh okay yeah I feel the same way but about Eddie
Stan:I guess were in the same predicament
Richie:I guess so, we'll what's your schedule
Stan:*Schedule picture*

(I'm not in college so idk how the schedules work)

Richie:We have all classes together except the first one of the day
Stan:that's great I only have 2 classes with Eddie and none with Beverly so at least I have some classes with a friend:)
Richie: :) do you maybe wanna eat breakfast in the morning together
Stan:yes is anyone else coming?
Richie:I'm not sure since they're all wasted probably not but I can ask if that's okay with you Staniel

Stan:Oh no not the nicknames
Richie:how do you know about the nicknames lol
Stan:Eddie told me about them
Richie:he talks about me?
Stan:Yeah does Bill talk about me?

Richie:Ben sent us a picture of you and he "called dibs" on you and said you were pretty cute
Stan:Oh wow
Richie: hes not wrong tho
*message deleted*
Stan:*He's or He isn't
Stan:Goodnight Richard I'll see you tomorrow 😁
Richie:*Richie night :)
I laid my phone on my stomach and caught myself smiling. Did I like Richie or Bill?
                  Richies POV
I went to put my phone and glasses away on the table when Eddie woke up "Richie what time is it" "2:45 am"  "ughhh my head" he said with a raspy voice, it was cute but when I talked to Stan I felt more happier.

Eddie then got up and went to the bathroom. I faced the wall and felt someone crawl in beside me. It was Eddie. He put his back against mine and fell quickly asleep. I could feel is back expand each time he would breath and his small snores. I soon fell asleep concentrating on his breathing.

*The next morning*

I open my eyes to see a very blurry face. Eddie and I had inches apart from our faces. I wanted to close that gap but he would get upset. He then opened his eyes. "What the hell!" He sat up and looked at me. "Y-you climbed into my bed last night thinking it was yours..."
"Oh nothing happened tho?..." he got up to check his phone.
"No" I said sternly I was genuinely annoyed. I went to the bathroom and started to get ready. I looked in the mirror.
The bruise was a lighter shade of black and blue.
I stepped out of the bathroom grabbed my phone, shoes and earbuds.
"Where are you going?" He seemed concerned but still upset about where he woke up. "Why" I looked up at him as I was tying my shoe. "I was just asking geez" "Bye I'll see you later" I was annoyed you could hear it in my voice.
I walked out of the dorm on the way to meet Stan.

The Party~Reddie AuWhere stories live. Discover now