Chapter one

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Brianna Anthony

The alarm clock went off as I subconsciously kicked it off the table.

My eyelids fluttered open, I smiled my eyelids drooped, getting heavier and I drifted slowly back to sleep when I remembered something
~The main reason I had set the alarm clock at 4am~ I was resuming at diamond high today!!!

I jumped out of the bed immediately my eyes landed on my alarm clock which was lying helplessly on the floor beside my bedside table.

Oh not again!, Poor thing, it had become like a tradition to kick it off the table every time it woke me up, I just hope it works this time. I picked it up from the floor and I kept it in my cupboard I figured I'll deal with it later.

My body ached like madd and my head throbbed painfully, I groaned using my hands to massage my temples. Stretching my aching body and turning my stiff neck till I heard a crack.

I yawned plodding down the stairs into the kitchen contemplating whether to sweep or do the dishes first, I decided to do the dishes first after which I started cooking before sweeping and putting the house in order.

By five I was done, I blew out a breath, smiling proudly as I inspected my work, it was spotless! Just the way i liked it - impeccable and free of blemish. It was more surprising that I didn't break a sweat throughout, I guess I was becoming used to it, the stress no longer affected me like it used to few months ago when I lost my parents to that plane crash.

The incident always got me crying and emotional whenever I remembered it, it never failed to put me on edge and moody for a freaking whole day.

My parents were multi millionaires before they died and all my dad's properties were given to my his twin sister Aunty Amanda, I was very happy I wasn't going to any orphanage like I thought I would, and the excitement that I was staying with my favourite aunty, Gosh! I mean who wouldn't like Aunty Amanda she was beautiful, young, smart and lively, she was so close to my dad since he was her twin but she turned out to be my worst nightmare.

In a moment I was transformed from a spoilt brat to a very hardworking girl. That first few weeks were unbearable the work I was given turned me into a bag of bones, it took it's toll on me and I fell terribly sick, those times were like hell. You needed to see me then, like I was an AIDS patient or something, Good thing I didn't appear in public then Aunty Amanda made sure of that.

I remembered how I got the beating of my life for burning literally every food I cooked yeah that time I was as spoilt as that I couldn't even boil common eggs and when I say I burnt every food I cooked I mean it, let's not get started on the taste of the ones I didn't burn there was only one word to describe it - terrible.

Those nights I cried myself to sleep, I seriously wished I had died with my parents.

I seriously do not want to ruin my day thinking of the worst days of my life, I decided to accept my fate and work very hard in the area of my studies (God knows I'm too lazy to do so, but I like to think I can) hopefully I could become someone successful in the future and less dependent on her or my dad's properties for survival.

When I got back to my room, I decided to put things in order before taking my bath because my room was in a mess, My books were littered across the floor and let's not talk about my clothes (you really don't wanna know how it looked like) The heap of clothes beside my bed was a constant reminder that I had to wash very soon like real soon.

I groaned at the thought and I reluctantly moved to pick up my cover that I had flung across the room when I woke up and moving towards my unmade bed that looked like a cat and a dog wrestled on it all night, yeah it was that bad. I was really tired, my body was literally begging me to stop and go back to sleep but I had no choice. I trudged into the bathroom yawning widely, as I stretched my aching bones.

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