Chapter Thirteen

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This chapter is dedicated to sontapan Thanks love 😘


Unknown POV

"Sir, the car is ready" The driver informed me as he ran to open the door for me.

"Don't worry, I'll take a cab" I told him, I figured it'll be better taking a cab since it wouldn't attract attention, I don't wanna show up on my first day of school in a flashy car, maybe I just wanted to get rid of him it was very embarrassing when someone the age of your dad insists on carrying your things and calling you sir, not to mention the way he was dressed.

"But, sir..."

"Don't call me Sir, I have a name you know" I frowned, it just makes me feel kinda old seeing that he should be around forty.

  "No sir, I'd be in trouble with your Dad sir"

I groaned, so this is about Dad "Okay, just take the day off, I can take care of myself you don't have to follow me everywhere"

"Your Dad said not to leave you alone sir"

"Okay, I'll pay you double just take the day off, Dad doesn't have to know about it" I pleaded smiling sweetly, I'm tired of being bossed around by my dad like I'm some puppet or something.

"No sir, your Dad wouldn't approve of that" he replied quicklywithout even thinking about it, Gosh! Why does he have to be so difficult?

"Okay what if I triple it" I asked hopefully, maybe he would leave me alone.

He paused thoughtfully for a moment before saying No, a smile crossed my lips seeing that he did not say it as firmly as before I knew he was starting to bend.

"Okay what if I triple your pay and you get to drop me in school and pick me via a taxi?" I negotiated.

He thought about it for a while before agreeing to to take me but not without reminding me that his job was gone for good if my Dad got to know about it.

I let out a sigh of relief smiling at him gratefully.

I stepped out of the gate grinning widely, I waited patiently as Jeff flagged down a taxi.

I jumped inside excitedly without waiting for him to bargain with the driver.

I was gonna see her today, I brought out my phone and clicked on her picture, it was something I saved from Instagram, she was grinning  widely at the camera showing off her impeccable pearly whites, she was dressed in blue ripped high waist jeans, white crop top and a pair of high-top converse, simple but beautiful.

I sighed wistfully running my hands gently on her beautiful face.

I remembered the last thing I said to her the last time I saw her and I cursed myself mentally. I was damn stupid and foolish, I f**king broke her heart.

I can't believe I was that insensitive, she just lost her parents that time and I said did those things to her.

I groaned, my heart tightening as a feeling of guilt and regret washed over me, I remembered the hurt in her eyes when I chose Becca over her, the bags under her eyes, the pain in her eyes whenever she saw me and how she cried for days, I was blinded by the stupid infatuation I had for Becca.

But she still waited and hoped I'd like her back but I kept breaking her heart over and over again.

I didn't realise how much I loved her until she was gone, You just don't realize how much you want something until it's out of your grasp. I sighed sadly, I just hope I'm not too late and she'd forgive me after everything I did to her.

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