Chapter Three

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This chapter is dedicated to charislisa for the amazing cover photo


I heaved a sigh of relief as the bell for recess was rung, practically jumping out of my seat stretching my stretching my stiff limbs.

"Wow, seems like someone is really hungry" Chidinma teased a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips

"Hungry?" I scoffed "I'm just tired"

Not only the did the teachers bore me with their seemingly unending teachings, As if they had planned it, every single teacher that entered the class asked for an introduction. When the maths teacher asked if I was Anthony Dozie's daughter you needed to see the way the class stared at me in disbelief like I was an entirely different specie from a different planet.

"But now that you mentioned food, I think I wanna get some snacks, you're going to the cafeteria?" I asked her retrieving my money from my backpack.

"Yes, let's go" she said standing up and adjusting her skirt.

"You never told me you  were Anthony Dozie's daughter" Chidinma accused as we headed towards the cafeteria.

"How was I supposed to tell you?" I cried dramatically waving my hands in the air "We were having lessons and we barely even talked" I pointed out, with someone else it would have been weird talking to someone you you just met like you've known them your entire life, but it felt so natural talking to her.

"But at least ......."

"But at least what? Okay we're you expecting me to be like 'Hi, I'm Brianna Anthony, Anthony Dozie's daughter' to every single person I meet, who cares anyway?" I asked as we stepped into the cafeteria

"I do, well if you don't know, I'm here on a scholarship and your dad funded it"

"Sorry, I didn't know" my voice came out low and apologetic, I felt somehow bad.

"Awwn! It's not like it's your fault" she said cheerfully "My dad died when I was ten and the only way I could continue secondary school here was winning that scholarship, let's forget about that for now. I'll have an egg roll and a bottle of fanta" she said smiling politely at the food vendor.

"I'll have the same thing, but I'll like some sweets also, that one and the other one, two each please!"

"That will be two hundred and fifty naira" she pointed out with a small smile while getting our order.

"Okay" I said handing her the five hundred naira note Aunty Amanda gave me this morning.

"Thanks" I muttered after collecting my change and snacks.

"Let's sit over there" Chidinma said pointing at a table for two.

"Kay" I said as we walked towards the table setting my food gently on it and flopped on the chair.

"So let's get to know more about ourselves" she chirped biting into her egg roll.

"Table manners dear" I mused taking a bite of my egg roll too.

"Fuck table manners! So name, favourites, anything just start"


  The next day I walked to school, You're probably wondering what's so special about walking to school right? I knew Aunty Amanda would be furious to hear that bit of information but let's just say that I enjoy getting on her nerves.

It's not like she cared anyway, she cared way more about her reputation than she did Arabella, like what will people think about her if I walked to school? Or If I wore cheap or faded clothes or if I spent little money at school?

If one should get a picture of me walking to school it'll be all the all over the media the next morning with captions like

"Anthony Dozie's daughter walks to school"

"Amanda Kingsley probably mistreats her niece, the daughter of Anthony Dozie"

Which could bring a taint in her modelling career, yeah you heard right she's a model, an undoubtedly beautiful one at that, people find it hard to believe she's Thirty six and a mother of two kids.

I know you be wondering who the other kid is and why I haven't mentioned him yet, he's eighteen a 100 level student in the university of Lagos (UNILAG)
He just recently got his admission and I hate to admit I was a little sad he had to leave because he was the nicest of the Kingsley's and he made my stay quite tolerable.

"Excuse me?" I heard a male voice ask.

"Yes?" I smiled trying to be polite. I spun, facing him he was probably about sixteen, tall light skinned and handsome, he had this  friendly aura which made talking to him easy.

"You attend Diamond high right?" He asked a little bit unsure looking at my school uniform for confirmation, yeah I haven't told you but I received my uniform yesterday and I'm so happy its just my perfect size, I did not wanna look like a clown with a uniform twice my size.

"Yes I do" Despite the fact that talking to him felt nice, I had to resist the urge to ignore him, I discreetly snuck a glance at my wristwatch, I still had some minutes to spare.

"Thank God!" He said heaving a sigh of relief "I'm resuming Diamond high today and I'm really glad I met someone who attends Diamond high already, I'm Raymond Phillips" He said holding out his hand for a handshake.

I stared at his hand warily, he seemed quite nice and besides it doesn't hurt to have another friend right?

I took his hands gingerly
"Brianna Anthony"

"You're in what class?" I asked as we stepped into the school compound.

"SS2, Art department"

"No way! You got to be kidding me, that's also my class" I exclaimed excitedly as I grabbed his arm lightly leading him toward the class, I paused a bit remembering something, I turned to him

"Except you have some forms to fill or have any business with the principal" I mused with a thoughtful expression on my face.

It was like he found my expression amusing cause he grinned.

"Nope got them all done yesterday" he said an amused expression on his face.

"Wait, aren't you nervous?" I blurted out without thinking, I sure hell was  nervous yesterday when I had to resume Diamond high, but he seemed cheerful.

"Nope, why do you ask?" He asked smiling he was completely at ease I envied him wish I could smile like that.

"Nothing, it's just that it's your first day at school, new faces, teachers and all that" I said shrugging.

"Well I'm used to that" he said absent mindedly, I glanced at him his eyes looked distant.

"What?" I asked softly

"Nothing" He said quickly a huge grin appearing on his face, I wondered how he could change his emotions easily. I decided to let it slide even if I was the one I don't think I'd be able to tell my problems to a total stranger.

"So you're ready for your class now?" I asked playfully

"Aye captain" He said mock saluting

I gave him a smack on his jaw and we fell into fits of giggles then I decided it didn't hurt actually having another friend.



Another chapter guys😌

How was it.

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