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Hey guys ,
So after receiving threats from a particular reader to update I updated this chapter.
I'm planning to update two , let's see how it goes!

Thanks for your support guys

Mercy’s POV

I blinked my eyes ,
What is Hakeem doing in front of me? I asked no one in particular as I raised an eyebrow.

He looked at me , his frown intact on his face. He raised an eyebrow too and entered into the apartment like I wasn’t blocking it. How did he even enter?

I followed him as he found his way to the sitting room. He sat down making himself comfortable before looking at me again.

I’m sure he didn’t want to talk cause his frown deepened but because of my lack of actions other than watching him he decided to talk.

“Are you not going to the mall again?” he asked his gaze on me. Wow his voice sounded so smooth. It was like those type of voices that you just fall in love with.

I blinked slowly as the voice rang in my ears , “uhm sorry what?” I asked again .

He look frustrated as he grumbled again ,
“I said are you not going to the mall again? You know what , forget it. I’ll go alone.” He said standing up.

God what did I just do? And then I remembered. We were supposed to get the drinks together.

What’s wrong with me . I just embarrassed myself , I really wish this was a dream or maybe I was still sleeping but the scowl on Hakeem’s face made me realise that it wasn’t.

“Sorry , I’ll get dressed now.” I quickly said as I walked to my room.

When I closed the door , I jumped on my bed and held the pillow to my mouth making my scream inaudible.

How could I just embarrass myself in front of a guy like Hakeem.

I quickly stood up when I remembered that he was waiting in the sitting room.

I walked to the bathroom and quickly took my bathe and the other stuffs.

When I was done I picked out my white crop top , a black jeans and a black and white vans to go.

I packed my braids in a bun letting two strands fall from each side. I quickly rubbed powder on my face and put on  my lip gloss.
When I was done I walked out .

My stomach grumbled in hunger and I found myself walking to the kitchen instead . I brought out the loaf of bread that I bought yesterday, I plugged the toasting machine and arranged the already buttered bread in it.

I walked to the sitting room , Hakeem had really made himself feel at home. He was lying down on the three sitter.

I walked closer to him and realized that he was already asleep.

His top was raised a little showing off his abs which I tried so hard not to look at  .

the jacket he wore on top was spread out and he looked so cute while asleep.
He wasn’t frowning or scowling at anyone and it made him look so peaceful.

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