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An update oo ,
I was supposed to update yesterday night but miss/ mister sleep just came to visit me.
Anyway this is it


My head was pounding , like literally pounding. The way people pound yam with that pestle , that was how my head was pounding.

I groaned as I sat straight in my bed. I guess this is the hang over head ache they all talk about inside books and movies , and trust me it was bad.

I tried to remember all what happened and then the picture of Teni kissing a girl came back to me. Why will he do that ? , Why will he just decide to do that?

I picked my waist bag which was on the bed side table and removed my phone . Different tests and missed calls notifications designed the lock page and it was all from a particular person , Teni.


"Babe , I got you something." Teni whispered in my ears as we walked to that iya Amala joint .

I remembered when he told me he wanted to give me something but we both forgot cause of the dancing and also the  cooking of his five star jellof rice.

My face beamed at the idea of getting something , I don't know why it just did.

"Okay so what did you get?" I asked ,
He chuckled as he opened his bag and stopped walking.

I stopped beside him too and looked at him.as he opened his bag and brought out a small black  box and it obviously caught my attention.

He opened it , and it was a necklace with the half moon as it's pendant. The necklace was silver with pearl covering the half moon , it was simple and breathtaking.

"Wow this is beautiful." I gasped out as I took it all in. He wore a large grin,

"Thank God you like it, I was doubting my choice a little." He said gently removing it from the box.

He placed it round my neck , standing behind me to hook it , I could feel his breath and smell his usual cologne.

When he was done I touched the pendant and looked down at it ,
"Thank you Teni." I said looking at him , he hugged me instead , "no thank you for being in my life."


I cleaned the tear that dropped as I remembered that moment.

I sighed and stood up , I was still in my party clothes but my jewelries and shoes were off.

I picked my towel and hung it round my neck before walking out of my room.

"Mercy , come to the kitchen." Hakeem called out from the kitchen.

I turned to that direction instead of the bathroom's. "Good morning." I said when I entered.

I looked around the kitchen , Hakeem was cooking breakfast or maybe lunch , I didn't check the time.

"Good afternoon, it's close to one pm and you should take the aspirin on the counter , it will help with the headache." He said smoothly ,

I looked at the counter and the aspirin was laying there. I opened the bottle and brought out two pills , I hate taking pills but I didn't have much choice here. I took it and quickly drank water after.

"Thanks for yesterday." I said quietly.
"Is it for puking on me or for bringing you home ." He asked turning back to face me.

"For everything ." I muttered before remembering he said puke.

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