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hello guys,

so an update!

i took Sunday as my off so expect another update tomorrow.

and this chapter is dedicated to all my readers.

thank you guys for staying through this journey with me.

okay don't let me disturb,

read on,



"....... And he is asking for Miss Mercy."

I got more alert as I heard my name. I breathed out a sigh of relief that I did not know I was holding and walked away from the crowd and towards the doctors.

I followed the nurse again who dressed me up before leaving me in the room.

I looked down before gathering the courage to look up. My eyes were getting with filled with tears again.

I sighed as I walked, he was lying there just as earlier looking pale and fragile. The only thing different was his eyes. It was opened.

A grin found its way to my face as I quickly hugged him not caring about all the tubes on him.

I took in his warm embrace and touch, even though he looked this fragile, his warmth passed through me. His scent was still there but the hospital scent and all were there too. I relaxed into his arms where I belonged. Something I really wanted to do since yesterday. Be with him, around him, hear him talk, touch him and lastly kiss him.

And to think that if Halima did not show up at the right time he would have not been here. I don't even want to think about it.

He groaned in pain making me move back immediately against my will and burst into tears.

I sobbed hard like I have not been crying before.

"how could you do this Hakeem?"

I asked in between sobs.

"you did not even think about how I would feel; I was waiting for you to call or at least text but no. instead you..."

I trailed off,

His gaze was unnerving,

Even though I should have gotten used to his stare, to those eyes looking deeply at me, I could never get used to it.

"I am sorry."

He muttered his low voice getting even lower. It sounded weak and genuine.

I sat down on the bar stool and held his hands again.

He slowly looked at it before turning to me.

"I am really sorry Mercy."

He whispered again and this time I nodded and hugged him gently this time.

"all that matters now is that you are fine and please don't do that again."

I quietly said back.

I pulled back moments later not wanting to increase his pain or anything.

"how did you know I was there?"

I asked sitting back. I really wished he was alright. So, we could talk about everything but him lying there just doesn't seem normal seeing the fact I had so much question.

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