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Who enjoyed the last chapter!
Cause I did.

And this is the update ppl ,
Read on........


It was kind of hard for my brain to process what was happening. My heart had responded to it , beating so hard that I was sure Hakeem could even hear it too.

He moved away probably thinking I was angry or wasn't ready or whatever was on his mind cause I didn't kiss him back.

He looked at the ground not able to look me straight in the eyes unlike earlier,

"I'm sorry.. I didn't know what I was thinking....." I cut him off .

I  grabbed his neck , pulled him to my height and kissed him .

He pulled me closer , his hands wrapping round my waist . He tasted of  vodka but it made it more hot, he slowly bit my lip making me moan , he used that to slip his tongue into my mouth , and this time I  shivered all over. The kiss was making me feel on cloud nine. I've never felt like this , not even when I kiss Teni.

He pulled out when we were out of breath and instead started kissing my neck. He lifted me up , I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist , his hands resting just below my butts.

He walked towards the wall , my back rested on it , and his lips met mine again.


I turned on my bed and snuggled closer to my pillow which was really smelling nice today.

I really wanted to sleep like this for a long time , maybe till it was twelve . But my banging head was having other ideas.

I slowly opened my eyes , but the head wasn't getting any better. I snuggled my head closer to the pillow and the image I found beside me of the said pilow was more than surprising.

What was Hakeem doing in my bed beside me in my room!

And shirtless , I tried to remember what happened yesterday but I couldn't quite place everything together.

I sat down straight and tried to remember, thank God I still had my top on and that meant nothing happened right?

I looked straight ahead and suddenly  the image of Hakeem and I kissing flashed in my head.

I rubbed my head again , hope that wasn't real? We kissed? , How could that have happened? just how drunk were we to do that?

I turned again to Hakeem , he was still sleeping, he looked so free , his face free from any frown lines making him look cute. His hair fell over his face and did I forget to mention that he was still shirtless.

I didn't know when I raised my hand to brush his hair away. He turned and I quickly removed my hand.

"Hakeem." I called as I tapped his arms trying to wake him up but instead he just turned to the other side.

"Hakeem. " I called again , this time he groaned, rubbed his eyes and slowly sat straight on my bed.

"What am I doing here?" He asked in a low husky voice when he noticed the room wasn't his. I took in a deep breath ,and stepped down from my bed.

"Hakeem what are you doing here?" I asked him back but he was just staring straight ahead as if trying to remember what happened yesterday too. I remembered the kiss but how did we even get here?

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