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Hey guys
I know I said yesterday night , I was almost done but sleep just came  *lol*

Okay so here's the chapter..


Have you ever felt so uneasy to the extent where you can't sleep at night? I couldn't sleep throughout the night so I just set up my laptop and my snacks and made it a movie night.

But that's definitely a wrong idea especially when the next day is Monday and I repeat who loves Monday?

Waking up to the sound of my alarm was pure torture for me , I couldn't do it after sleeping at three in the morning and now this alarm is sounding at eight . I carried the pillow next to me and put it over my head but still it was like the sound increased.

When I couldn't take it , I stood up and glared at the rubbish alarm in front of me. I walked out of my room after carrying my towel .

I walked straight to the bathroom and made sure to lock the door , after that incident I have never forgotten to do that. I chuckled as I remembered what happened that morning.


I opened my closet and picked out a crop top and a  high waste jeans . I brought out one of my sneakers to go with it. I grabbed my brown little back bag and walked out of the room.

As usual , Hakeem was lying on the chair watching something on his phone and did I mention that he just bought  a new Huawei
P30 pro , and if I was the owner of that phone I won't drop it too.

Maybe I should tell dad to buy it as  Christmas gift for me cause I was falling for that phone especially with it's shining back.

"Good morning." I said  with a smile. I was glad that he was sitting down here as usual , but that went down the drain when he just muttered a morning back.

I groaned as I walked to the kitchen. He was starting to annoy me , no this has even pass annoy. I sighed as I looked around the kitchen , I picked some snacks and a drink and put it in my bag before backing it.

I wasn't in the mood to eat again and that's one thing. If it was an usual morning we would be in the kitchen cracking our brains with what to eat and now ....

I walked back to the sitting room and he was still in the same position, watching a movie I think on his phone.

I remembered what happened when Halima left his room , she looked angry and that was a rare thing coming from her.

After some minutes they left promising to come visit today again and I know it's because of Hakeem of course.

"Hakeem." I called as I sat on the couch in front of his.

He turned to look at me for a brief moment before turning back.
"What?" He asked with that stupid monotone voice.

Why was I even worrying , ' cause he's your roommate and close friend.' my subconscious answered and I couldn't help but agree with her.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" I couldn't help but ask.
But he just scoffed and I repeat again he scoffed.

I was an inch away from getting angry too , maybe even smaller than an inch.

"What's wrong with you? I'm trying to apologise and that's if I even did something to you and you're acting like this?" I asked standing up and his whole attention was still on the phone which I really felt like throwing away.

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