prologue 2

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heyy everyone,

how have you been?

i am sure some ppl wants to have my head,


surprise at the end of the chapter!

dedicated to 



"good evening sir."

I greeted Mr. Wale as I entered the car. I was trying so hard to keep it together and I guessed even Mr. Wale saw it. When Hakeem went home yesterday, I also decided to go home since it would be strange staying there without anyone with me.

Mr. Wale started our journey to the airport while I texted Hakeem about where we should meet. I just can't believe all this is real. He is just going to leave today and after today it would be lots of videocalls and calls after.

I looked out the window, staring at different people trying to make ends means. The traffic was much and people were struggling to enter various buses going to their destinations. Conductors were fighting for passengers, hawkers running after moving vehicle, students waking by the road side and talking. Different people just trying to live their lives.

I sighed not even knowing when I finally fell asleep.


"Mercy, mercy."

Someone called jerking me awake. I yawned and used my hands to rub my eyes before slowly opening it.

Mr Wale's face was the first thing that I saw, I groaned out.


I responded taking a look around where the car was parked.

"we are there. This is where you told me to park."

He said his voice filled with the thick Yoruba accent.

"thank you, sir."

I said back and quickly dialed Hakeem's number.


I said immediately he picked after the second ring,


"I am there o."

I stepped out of the car and took a look around. He was standing beside a car too, his phone placed against his ear. He was wearing a white V-neck, a black denim jean and a leather jacket. See my boyfriend, how will he not be surrounded my lots of girls when he gets there.

"I see you."

I just said ignoring all what he has been saying or more like not hearing anything he said. He turned his neck looking left and right until he saw me. A grin appeared on his face immediately. He cut the call and walked up to me, I did not even notice when he got closer to me but immediately, he got close, he pulled me into a hug.


He muttered,

"you are missing me already?"

I asked with a chuckle slowly pulling back. He rubbed my cheeks slowly with that full-blown grin on his face.

"you know I am. And I am also running late."

Running late? I can't even spend an hour more with him? Fuck all this.

"hey, hey, Mercy."

He called noticing my change in mood and I just felt so angry that I cried out,

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