Cliches I Hate 1 Protagonist

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I'm probably just bored outta my mind right now to be writing ..err.... typing a meaningless book as this.  What are you suppose to do during a quarantine?  Read obvs....but you know I don't feel like reading.  Don't get me wrong I love reading.  I do it all the time.  I just feel like writing out of my thoughts.  So here I am on a covid-19 stay home order on a Tuesday night at 8pm North Pacific Eastern time to speak of cliches.  Yea I'm in the Americas.  And I'll try not to be that american who annoys the life outta everyone.  You might be from England.  You might be from Germany.  You might be from France.  You might be from Norway.  You might be from Sweden.  Hungary?  Argentina?  Brazil?  Peru?  Spain?  Egypt? Kenya?  Nigeria? Nepal?  India? Belarus?  Russia? Australia? Japan?  China?  South Africa?  Any continent including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.  But I don't care.  It could be 1 in the morning for you.  It could be 5 in the afternoon.  It could honestly be whatever time, but here I am going to discuss or type cliches.  But more specifically wattpad cliches.  With your usual protagonists.  The famous wattpad girl that relates to every single author who makes them.  I gonna talk about the ones I hate.

You know the basic wattpad stories.  The famous ones.  With the protagonist.  Why are the protagonists all girls?  Is it because most people behind our accounts are girls?  But still most the time I think the guys are way more interesting than the girls.  In most average story.  Key word being most.  Of course if the guy do idiotic moves I'm gonna dislike them.  If they try cheating course I will dislike them.  Being abusive that is a no.  But the normal wattpad cocky, egoistic, wattpad guy love interest.  Where all the comments fangirling and are in love with them.  Where readers realize those are the reasons they are still single.  Because of these high expectations. Sometimes I noticed whatever the protagonist does, its alright.  Even if it is something most people would hate.  But no it's okay because its the protagonist.  And the protagonist been going through a lot of pain and its fine.  We shouldn't hate on them.  But if someone else does the exact same thing and is not the protagonist.  Oh no!  The horror.  Everyone hates them and dislikes that character forever.

Say if the protagonist has family issues and problems and then they are with this guy.  And that guy isn't the guy everyone wants her to be with.  This guy is overly sweet, the blonde boy, blue-eyed golden boy.  But not because the other guy who life isnt as great and doesnt get stuff handed to him as easily is the one who she met suddenly and gets up in each other throats (Not literally...well not yet) isn't with her everyone dislikes him.  But then the guy everyone wants her to be with kisses her and it means she cheated with the other guy.  Do the people care?  No.  Why?  Because they are cute and everyone ships them.  That makes perfect sense.  But what if the girl was named Ashley and the guy was named Andrew and the golden boy was named John.  And what if the protagonist was actually a girl named Victoria who is the sister of John and John finds out he is being cheated on by the girl.  Then the fans do not like how he is being cheated on, even though we see she gets with some guy who sounds like a badboy.  Everyone would hate her and dislikes her for that move and because in Victoria's Point of view John was her nice brother that could be sweet and caring and started to love his girlfriend with all of his heart.  He was the funny absolute best brother she could have.  And he gets cheated on.  But if you flip the protagonist to Ashley it would be okay.  Because they are meant to be.

What if there was a jock named Ryan and he is with the girl named Olivia?  What if there was a new girl named Allie?  And Allie is the protagonist and soon becomes friends with Ryan.  What if they develop feelings for each other even though Ryan has a girlfriend?  Soon Ryan cheats on Olivia with Allie.  Nobody cares because she is the protagonist and everyone wanted them to be together.  Olivia is hated just for being with Ryan.  And soon Olivia sees them.  Now she is mean to Allie because she caused her boyfriend to cheat.  She is mad but nobody likes Olivia.  But what if the protagonist was Olivia.  A girl who thought she had it all been with her caring boyfriend for a few years and suddenly she notices Ryan was with another girl.  She doesn't make much of it at first but then he starts canceling their plans for that other girl.  Soon she finds Ryan cheating on her with Allie.  She is devastated and everyone hates Olivia and Ryan for it.  Why because she is the protagonist.  And it is because she it the protagonist.  It is that fact and no other.  The readers likes the protagonist and are on her side just for that simple idea.  Those are the things I can't stand about the protagonist.  Just because she is a protagonist doesn't mean anything and people should face facts when hating and disliking someone.

This is my rant about protagonist problems when starring cliches with protagonists.  I hope you enjoyed it though I doubt only like a few will see this and care.


(Not a Virus)


Things that Irk me: Rants of WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now