t h r e e

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the two ended up in a car ride, rachel driving with a cigarette on hand.

mr. jahad's case is still in progress.

the police are interviewing every witness,

except one.

bam sat quietly, observing the bright blue sky, his head inclined on his hand.

mr. jahad's own adoptive son,

who was last seen in the mansion that night.

the boy turned to the lady beside him. "miss, why did you allow me to go with you...?"

it is highly suspected that the son has something specific to do with the case.

rachel smiled. "just because you remind me of someone."

"someone from my lord's family."

bam stayed silent, returning his attention to the sky.

"so, do i really look like one,

someone who has family?"

suddenly the lady started laughing, eyes closed as a smile was spread on her face. "what a bad joke you have got there, it's obvious. of course you have family."


"is that so?"

"also, another reason i want you to come with me


"just because you look extremely cute!"

"please answer me seriously," bam pleaded. "why would you help a stranger whom is thieving in a minimarket,"

"a boy especially, to let in your car and join the road,"

"just because they have nowhere to go?"

bam looked extremely desperate for answers. "miss, seriously.

why are you so kind to me?"

taking her box of cigarettes, she lit up another one. "you don't have to question me."

"the answer is a simple just because, and why not."

"the case here is, you need somebody to accompany you, and help you."

"now, it doesn't hurt, does it? maybe it's just as simple as luck,

that we're here, on the same road, travelling together."

"do you get me?" rachel assured.

the words knocked something onto bam's mind. "yes..."

"now, now, let's listen to the radio."

the murder is still a mystery. but rumours have spread that mr. jahad's murderer is his own son..

no other than his adoptive son, who was last found with him in the mansion.

"miss," bam called as he stared onto the sea. "do you think we could stop by by the beach it's quite late afterall."

"sure," rachel agreed, a sheepish smile formed across her pink lips. "we'll stay there for a night."

the police are still trying to investigate while waiting for the representative's statement about the late philanthropist's death.




"father has been murdered?"

revealing a male with blue hair tied into a ponytail, "so bam murdered father in the mansion?" he stood by the window, observing the cityscapes. "he's nowhere to be found?"

"i can see that bam, a long puppet, had finally poisoned his puppeteer, huh?"

"what a good choice,

now go find him."

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