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bam stood silent under the shower, his eyes blank as he reminded himself of khun.

khun opened the room door, endorsi behind him, carrying a blanket to wrap bam with.

"bam, are you okay?" khun asked, smiling for the chestnut-haired male. "how's last night?"

looking down bam shook his head. "let's not talk about it, mr. khun."

sliding his hand to khun's he looked up the blue-haired male. "he's a bad old man, no. he's a filthy dog."

"be grateful, you're his favourite child," khun pointed out.

"khun!" endorsi yelled. "khun, stop it! that's enough!"

"then, don't you think..," khun smiled devilishly.

"it's time for us...

to kill that old man?"

"you know it's nearly impossible, right? we will also be at a disadvantage if you kill him!" endorsi protested with all the sense she could put.

"obviously, we should do it my way, endorsi," khun said, his tone was his usual sarcastic-like tone.

yuri entered the room, her brown hair flowing behind her while evan was catching up to her. "just hire a hitman!"

"it's not that easy, lady yuri!" evan stood his line. "we don't know if they're going to keep their mouth shut! your father is a beloved man!"

"he's allied with a lot of people, along with dirty ones!"

"then, i'll kill him!" bam said, determination filling his voice.

"bam, don't be stupid, you're incapable of doing such crime," khun sighed.

"but he's killing me every night.."

"we don't have to lay our hands on his body, bam," khun reassured. "maria knows one loyal hitwoman."

"and once he's dead,

we will start our own business."

"i'm sorry mr. khun...," bam looked at his bloodied hands, not believing himself. "i can't stand him anymore... so i killed him.."

"mr. khun!" bam called, running outside to go to his friend.

"bam will mentor other orphans,

if there's something he's good at, it's pleasure in men."

"what are you talking about?!" khun demanded. "you're making him teach shameful things to other orphans?!"

"that's the same as betraying him!"

maria chuckled at khun. "thanks to father, we have a bunch of colleagues to unleash their evil with."

"and there's a lot of mentals like you!"

"so, i believe that we can go normal, don't you think so, maria?"

"normal?!" maria pushed khun backwards. "you're damn blessed! so i'm not going to waste my abnormality!"

"if you disagree...

go out and find our real father aguero! i'm telling you this though, you will just rot!"

"listen aguero, bam will only sell his skill, not his body that you're so worried of!" maria remarked. "it's a win/win aguero!"

"adopt a damned orphanage,

and do work just like father."

and from that time, i swore i'll never meet them again.

and i thought that you changed rachel. it's why i joined you again.

i thought i could finally feel what happiness is like.

and that's only until i found out what your plan was, exactly.

but before that,

i have to cherish your last moments with me.

bam exited the bathroom, greeted by rachel sitting down on the bed. "you're done, bam?"

"bam, you..."

"yes, i cut my hair just like you taught me," he smiled. "am i disappointing you, rachel?"

"no, i like it."

"good," bam inched closed to rachel.

"why don't you prove it?"


you have changed my life, rachel.

you brought me light, happiness and hope.

and so i thought that you were my star, but i found out that it was all an act.

so maybe, i should return to mr. khun, and forget about an enemy like you.

because i realised that they matter more than a star like you, and i'll survive no matter what,

even if i had to kill you.

criminals - khun aguero agnis × 25th bamWhere stories live. Discover now