f o u r t e e n

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after that day, their lives complete changed.

for the better.

khun and bam, after getting released out of jail, moved into a decent apartment.



"hmm? what are you doing?" bam's golden eyes met khun's azure ones.

"i don't know, maybe capturing memories?" he jokingly replied, holding the polaroid camera in his hand.

little by little, starting their new life.

as normal humans,

and as partners.

today was bam's day to spend at a university, he decided to study to support a better future for khun and him. khun supports bam's idea while he worked at a hospital.

"hey bam, you ready to go?" khun asked, his smile that was rare spread across his lips.

at first, bam didn't like that khun was working all by himself, but he managed to convince bam for their new life.

"sure, let's go."

bam looked at himself, basically studying and being a good boyfriend was all he could do.

occasionally, he understands that khun is working hard for them, putting all his past down the drain, and using his college degree to use as a doctor.

but sometimes, bam can't help,

but to feel lonely without khun.

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