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"what do you want, bam?"

"i-it hurts! c-ca-can't we stop?" bam pleaded, his hands struggling to remove the hold of the older male in his neck.

"stop? he haven't started yet. come on, you know what to do. say it!"

"p-please..," bam cried, his arms covering his crying face

"louder! i can't hear you!" he commanded, bruising bam even more.

"daddy..," bam bellowed. "please do more!"

he never stops,

and i don't think he ever will,

unless we're dead.

khun entered the room, a blanket on his hand. "you've worked hard," he sighed, wiping the tears off from bam's eyes. "don't worry, i'll follow you always to have your back."

bam gets up even if his body hurts, his eyes slowly fluttering open.

"you're awake?"


"you okay?"


too bad, i'm still stuck here."

"don't say it like that," khun sighed. "i'm glad you're still alive."

"it's just that, the old man... i wonder how long we have to go up and reach him, to stop him. keeping all the dirty work to yourself too, bam."

words become plans.

so what if a dog killed its owner when it grows up?

what if we knock him off his place, and kill him?

so we hired a hitwoman to kill him.

and it's not so hard because we have one in the family.

one of them is michelle light.

she takes care of the dirty work for the family business.

living in the mansion before, he was sent to the family's right hand.

as michelle,

or her name, rachel.

we know that the media will go crazy about his murder.

but its okay. it will be forgotten afterall.

so the simplest way to kill him,

is a simple business rivalry.

killer will be seen on screen. case closed.

and then it dies out.

unfortunately, bam had taken him out all by himself.

we were also shocked when we found out that dad had been murdered,

moreover by bam.

"i really don't have a story," bam lied. "if so, i had one heard of a story from someone."

all eyes are on him at the moment.

"the story seems so lonely, i just want to help the character."

if the police found him, our family secret will be revealed.

no longer maintaining the family business.

sure the public will have sympathy,

but all of us will be known as dogs who bite their owners.

so we will find her, hide him, and come back to the original plan.

"is that why you killed your dad?" rachel shot the question.

that's why we hired rachel to chase after him.

"adopted by a sick pedophile, using your body for sexual abuse," she continued on. "so you planned to hire a hitwoman, in the family to kill him. but unfortunately you killed him all by yourself."

"but come on, it's not like you really killed him, right?"

"i did."

he had just confessed his crime to a stranger like me.

"i'm telling you because i trust you.," bam mumbled. "so please, don't tell anyone."

"i'm a fugitive... a criminal... a fool, that's why i don't deserve anything sacrificed for me, at all."

why do i feel like...

i have to leave him be... alone.

i won't hold him up.

that blue-haired guy can just take him and power over the crime.

"as a farewell of my past, and an opportunity to a new life," rachel muttered.

"well, everybody in this world has a rough life," she smiled.

"i had a similar life to you, but i don't start as if i was under a rock."

criminals - khun aguero agnis × 25th bamWhere stories live. Discover now