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"that whore!" aguero yelled, throwing his phone down. "i hired her for her to regain herself! now what did i expect?!"

"i can't believe she's doing it all over again!"

"what? she's jealous? because she doesn't have any support?"

"are you kidding me?!" he gritted his teeth.

"now if bam isn't here, who'll help us?!"

"oi, everything alright?" the girl wearing green pajamas called.

"yes, of course it is," khun lied. "i didn't mean to wake you up, anaak."

"it just seems like we're going to have to get bam ourselves."

"hey, sorry. i could only afford one room," rachel lied.

in response, bam hugged her, saying thank you repeatedly. "if i hadn't found you.. i'm not sure if i could start a new life...

and be happy."

"all right now, how do i trick bam onto the trap?" she held her head in one hand.

"i'm not going to throw this down the rug that easily."

bam stood facing the mirror, bruises obvious as he cut his hair.

you don't know how much i wish your words were true, rachel.

until i heard what you said to mr. khun over the phone.

i realised that you were also a puppet, but you betrayed us.

so i thought, maybe jahad will not be my only victim.

"maria!" khun yelled, stomping in his sister's room. "maria, she betrayed us!"

she just sighed in response to khun's untold actions.

"we should just kill her, make her die, and take bam on our own!"

her azure eyes glinted as she opened her mouth to speak. "my aguero,

calm down."

"ungrateful bitch!" he continued to stomp. "i keep giving her chances, yet look!"

"just be patient," maria cooed. "she will come."

"she won't!"


my sweet, poor,

dear brother,


"you need to calm down," she hushed him, "you're being quite loud, aren't you?"

"now listen, aguero," sliding her hand down to his shoulder she spoke. "we're going to find them both tomorrow."

"so rest tonight."

"okay, maria."

"good boy,

sleep tight, my aguero."

criminals - khun aguero agnis × 25th bamWhere stories live. Discover now