t h i r t e e n

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it has been confirmed that the murderer of mr. jahad is no other than his adoptive son, 25th bam, as a form of self defence.

mr. jahad, a well known philanthropist,

has actually raped 25th bam and other children for their whole life.

heir and representative of the clan, khun aguero agnis, has been reported in the child prostitution business.

fortunately, the business collapsed before starting, hence there is no transactions done.

the children has been evacuated under the authority of khun maria jahad, whom now works with the police to solve this tragic case.

khun's skin was kissed by the air as he sat on a bench. "it's almost time..."

"for your trial?" maria turned to him.

"mhm. i guess everything finally came to an end..."

"unfortunately, i ended up in jail,

instead of hell, where i deserve to be at."

"mr. khun, i don't understand," bam said, facing him. "there's no need to die. why would you choose that over jail?"

with a painful smile, khun answered bam. "that way, the children won't have to know how much of a bad person i am."

"you know what it feels like to be abused, bam," he looked down. "i attempted to go be my body instead, yet father found it unappealing."

"he started using you.."

"and then started touching the girls."

"he ended up falling too hard for you, bam. i can't stand it!"

"i offered other kids, instead i ended up getting involved in the old man's crap work!"

"implanting the tracking device on my neck so that i can't betray them."

"i didn't want ran, anaak, or any of the others know..," khun sighed, lowering his head. "what type of demon i am."

"and still oddly enough, ran follows me still."

"you saved them, mr. khun!" bam darted to khun, landing a hug on him. "i'm sorry that i was selfish! i'm sorry because i ran away. i didn't know what you had been going through!"

"thank you for saving us, mr. khun. i love you."

khun hugged back, patting bam's back as he smiled, relieved. "i... i love you too... bam."

criminals - khun aguero agnis × 25th bamWhere stories live. Discover now