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"bam, you're free now remember?" rachel flicked his forehead. "don't overthink about your past."

"start a new life."

i'm sure i can do it.

as long as i have you by my side.


is that why you killed your dad?

of course i know, i once was a victim too.

but i didn't expect you to confess that easily.

you're still shallow bam.

learn to let go.

"without you knowing i was hired to kill that man," she stood up, walking away from bam. "why should i bring you to that blue-haired bastard, when i'm the heroine?"


i've never felt jealous before.

the moment he gets you,

he will care for you. you will have everyone to yourself...



khun calling.

"hello?" rachel answered.

"hey, rachel! how's bam?" khun greeted, faking an enthusiastic tone.

"he's fine."

"he's of father's children. you know none of us is fine," he simply explained. "hence, you and me. right, rachel?"

"well, i wish you won't leave him twice. because... i'd like to take bam back."

"ah, bam..," rachel leaned to her right, recieving a hum from the other. "no, i mean, you're acting like he's not just bam. it's more like you're treating him as your god, rather you're just his puppet."

khun just laughed at the female's comment. "how rude...

to call me a puppet. must i remind you, i became the family's representative, not because i'm smart, but because i like giving orders."

"but oh well, use what terms you please," aguero continue on. "so, where's bam?"

"i won't give him to you, i'll kill him instead."

"how unfortunate, rachel. but i'm not allowing that," khun chuckled, a cocky tone coming from his line. "because we all know you're jealous."

"do you think you set the rules here?"

khun kept on laughing, eyes widened as she realised what rachel was going on about. "don't tell me,

you're about to do it again."

laughs echoed from khun's line as rachel stood there lips shut.

"now, enough jokes today," his tone suddenly turned serious. "stop doing shit and give me back bam!"

"do you think..."

"think what?" khun yelled. "i'm not allowing you to make him chase you again!"

"do you think...

you're the one who sets the rules here?"

criminals - khun aguero agnis × 25th bamWhere stories live. Discover now