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khun sat in his car, maria sitting beside him. "wait for us bam."

"i'm on my way

to you."

"what? wait!" maria stood up from her bed, shocked at khun. "we have agree to stay calm and wait until morning!"

"no! we don't have time!" khun protested, taking random clothing out of his sister's closet and shoving it in her hands. "we're going to take bam, tonight!"


when did aguero become insane?

he doesn't feel like the aguero i grew up with.

damn technology!

i hope rachel gets out of there quick!

"aguero," maria called. "i know you don't agree with what we have to do as business... but trust me."

inaudible words came out of maria's lips, tapping aguero's neck as she hushed him.



"we're here," aguero said, going outside the car.

he rushed to the room where bam stayed in. "surprise you damned whore! time's up!"

"bam, you're coming.." his eyes averted from the bam to rachel's bleeding body. "oh."

"then... are you ready to go home, bam?"

"mr. khun!" bam excitedly ran to the male, throwing down the scissors.

"i'm not going to hurt you," maria said coldly. "not if aguero's going to hurt me."

"it's not as if rachel tried to make it clear over the phone," khun said, pulling out a gun from his pocket to shoot the blonde on the floor. "but, sorry you have to see me kill your first friend. i can't stand betrayal after what maria had done."

"what? you trying to be a good brother now?" maria inquired. "i can't believe you had to shood rachel down like that! she's already bleeding."

khun smiled. "oh! so you do have a heart afterall... lovely!"

"do you want to....

join her business, bam?"

"i won't come back to that dirty business..."

khun tugged on his turtleneck, leaving a space for his neck to be bare. "is that so...?"

"i have good news for you, bam," khun said smiling, aiming his gun on random places. "you won't have to,

ever again."

"let me do this as a favour bam," he shot once more. "maria will never hurt you, nor will she bribe you to do your work."

"so hush..."




"mr. khun..," bam called. "a knife...?"


"mr. khun, no!" bam ran to the azure eyed male, only to be stopped by maria. "let me go!"

"what are you doing?! stop him!"

"mr. khun, stop!" bam continued, trying to stop the male as he dug down his neck. "maria! do something we can't lose him!"

gapping, khun took out a tracking devec from his neck, crushing it to pieces. "finally, it's all over."

watching what just happened, the two's tears fell down. "great..."

"great aguero..."

"thank you for putting us first."

criminals - khun aguero agnis × 25th bamWhere stories live. Discover now