My parent

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Jonah's POV

The site of my moms name on my phon struck fear into my heart!
"I'm right here Jonah! Answer it!" Daniel said  grabbing my hand and conforming me
I tapped accept and within the few seconds it took to tap and connect with my mom I couldn't feel my heart beating and fear took over my body. Everything felt like slow-mo! As soon as my mom's face appeared on the screen I froze completely and couldn't move.
Jo's mom: "Jonah! Are- are you gay?"
Jo: "yes. I've been in a relationship for around a year now and I haven't been able to gain enough confidence to tell you. "
Jo's mom: "Honey you know no matter what we love you! You don't have you be afraid to tell me something I am always here for you baby!"
Jo: "thank you mom! You know that really means a lot to me!"
Jo's mom: "Sooo who's the lucky guy! Do we know him!"*she said with the biggest smile on her face
* Jonah chuckled*
Jo: "yeah actually you do. It's Daniel!"I said and couldn't help but smile
Jo's mom: *gasp* "no way!" She said excited
Jo: "yeah mom" I said pulling Daniel closer to me so my mom could see him.
Dani:*smiles* "hi Carrie" he said with those beautiful dimples.
Jo's mom: "hi Daniel! Aw you two are so cute! Jo baby when can we see you next?"
Jo: "Um I'm not sure mom but I try to make it soon."
Jo's mom: "I really want to see you two together. I might try to get your father and I a ticket to come see you"
Jo: "That's great mom! I'll let you know when we get time off but I can't take Daniel with me, he'll be with his family"
Jo's mom: "I know. Hey Jo I need to get going but I love you baby!"
Jo: "I love you too mom"
*We said bye and hung up. I have never felt as free as I do right now*

Daniels POV

Jonah FaceTimed his mom and was super shaky and sweaty I just stood beside him holding his hand to comfort him. When he started to tell her he squeezed my hand so hard but I didn't say anything. His mom told him he was accepted and she loved him and it made me so happy! When he introduced me I felt butterflies. Jonah soon hung up after awhile and look at me smiling and giggled kinda girly and just hugged me!! We unlocked the door and continued together ignoring the boys stares

Jonah's POV

After telling my parents I felt so good and hugged Daniel because I felt so good! It was getting kinda late so we when to bed. He fell asleep in my arms * he looks so cute I can't believe he's mine! Like this sweat and amazing human being loves me!* that thought ran in my mind while looking down at my sleeping boy. But another thought came to mind and put my stomach in a twist. I didn't like the idea at all but it has to be done. Me and Daniel are going to have to sit down and talk to CORBYN!
That thought was flooding my mind and all I could think about was the worst. I looked down at Daniel and smiled then fell asleep with him but that thought was still there in my dreams!!

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