Chapter 5: Cabin

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After exiting Clown Alley, Ranger Tim and the kids are outside of a cabin.

Tim: "They'll know where we went when they see I'm gone. I'll contact the police using what's left from the crime scene."

They walked inside of the cabin so that Tim can call the police. The problem is that some of the local cops are corrupt due to having been paid off by The Giggler's uncle Jimmy. Fortunately, Tim knows some honest and decent police officers in the local police force.

Tim: "Home. Home Sweet Home. The place didn't change a bit."

Tim walked to his desk to use the telephone.

Tim: "Here is where I used to work. Before I was taken."

Tim removed the gas mask that made him look like an elephant, and put his ranger hat back on. When he removed the gas mask, the kids see that his face has been horribly mutilated, and that Tim is missing his left eye. Ranger Tim dialed the police and sat on his desk.

Dispatcher: "911, what's the nature of your emergency?"

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Dispatcher: "911, what's the nature of your emergency?"


Dispatcher: "I'm listening, what's your emergency?"


Dispatcher: "What is your location?"


Dispatcher: "Stay inside sir, and make sure all the doors are locked. A SWAT team is underway."

Tim: *hangs up the phone* "WE NEED TO BARRICADE THE CABIN, NOW!"

The kids started barricading the Cabin to prevent the clowns from getting inside.

John: "I'm freezing! Please let me use the fireplace!"


John: "Will do!"

John went outside of the cabin to grab some wood to burn, one by one. He brought the wood into the cabin and placed it in the fireplace.

Tim: "Don't forget to barricade that door, kid!"

John: "Right!" *pushes the couch to block the entrance*

Unfortunately, the barricades weren't enough to keep the clowns from coming in. They broke into the cabin through the windows. Lala the Jester is one of them, having survived the fall earlier. The computer screen turned blue and the Giggler came out of the monitor.

The Giggler: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" *grabs the kids, one by one, and chains them*

Tim: Please... Don't take me away from my home again... please. I *gets knocked out by a clown goon*

The Giggler: "YOUR HOME?! HAHAHAHAHAHA! YOUR HOME?! WHO DO YOU THINK KEPT THIS HOUSE AFTER YOU WENT MISSING?! This crime scene didn't get magically abandoned all by itself!!!"

The Giggler actually did make sure that the crime scene was abandoned, because he murdered the investigators and the police officers there, except for the ones paid off by his uncle to abandon the crime scene and keep silent.

The Giggler: "HEHEHEHEHEHE!" *grabs John to remove his backpack*

John: "LET ME GO!"

The Giggler: *throws John's backpack into the fireplace* "You hurt my feelings when I found out you didn't want to play with me anymore! Now you leave me no choice but to eat your soft... tender... flesh! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Tim: *wakes up* "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

The Giggler: *grabs one of the kids, Al Fuerte, and bites into his arm, making him scream*

Tim: *grabs a fire poker and knocks The Giggler out with it* "USE THE KEYS FROM THE CIRCUS TO ESCAPE!"

John: *uses the keys to unlock the chains* "I'VE UNLOCKED THE CHAINS! RUN!!!"

The kids moved the couch from one of the doors, and ran through it. John made an attempt to open the door that goes to the basement.

John: "THE DOOR'S JAMMED!" *opens the door* "THANK GOSH! RUN!"

The kids and Ranger Tim ran down the stairs to the basement.


Ranger Tim and the kids arrived in the basement and locked the door behind them. In the basement are photos, boxes, and a map of the US with places that are marked with red pins and red threads linking the marked places to Portwood Park itself.

John: "Lord Save Us..."

Tim: "Giggles got comfortable living at a crime scene... We walked right into the psychopath's den. What is he planning?"

There is a radio on top of one of the boxes, which is close to the map. Ranger Tim received a call on that radio and hears a familiar voice. That voice is Joe Brooks.

Brooks: "This is Brooks, I'm calling all rangers for a park evacuation."

Tim: "Brooks?! BROOKS!!!"

Brooks: "TIM?! I thought you were dead!"


Brooks: "The swat's far off, I'll buy you some time."

All of a sudden, there was loud banging on the door. The Giggler is banging the door to knock it down.

The Giggler: "KNOCK KNOCK!"

Tim: "RUN!"

Ranger Tim and the kids ran. They ran into a room where they have to jump over pipes to get across


They jumped over the pipes to get to the other side. Unfortunately, one of them, George Dudfield, fell down.

The Giggler: "YOUR FLESH IS MINE!!" *busts down the door and runs after them* "DINNER TIME!!! SUCCULENT... CHILDREN!!!!!!!"

Ranger Tim and the kids managed to make it to the other side and they went up the stairs, which led them outside.

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