A new beginning

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I woke up this morning and it was a really nice day so I decided to go for a run in the park. After I finished my run, I found a bench and I sat down for a few minutes to just take in the day. While I'm sitting enjoying the view this cute little dog comes running up to me. He has a leash on so it looks like he just got away from his owner.

Oliver: Come on little guy let's go find your owner.

I grabbed his leash and I started walking with him so we could find his owner. After I was walking with the dog for a little bit, I saw this girl running towards me and she had two other dogs with her.

Girl: Oh my god you found Teddy.

Oliver: He actually found me but I'm glad I could reunite the two of you.

Girl: Thank you so much, he got away from me and then just took off. If I didn't have these two with me I probably could have caught him.

Oliver: No worries, I'm just glad that you two found each other again. Names Oliver.

Girl: Nice to meet you Oliver, I'm Alexa. This may sound weird but I feel like I've seen you somewhere before.

Oliver: Do you watch wrestling?

Alexa: I knew it. I thought I recognized you from Double or Nothing. Great performance by the way, so are you going to face Jericho for the title again?

Oliver: Would have never taken you for a wrestling fan.

Alexa: I'm more than a fan. I'm actually a wrestler I work for WWE. I'm Alexa Bliss

Oliver: Are you on Smackdown or Raw?

Alexa: I'm on Raw. I just got drafted there a few months back. I miss Smackdown sometimes but Raw is awesome. What's it like in AEW?

Oliver: Well my experience with Double or Nothing it was great. Other than that I couldn't tell you.

Alexa: Was that your first show?

Oliver: Yup my first and only AEW show.

Alexa: Why?

Oliver: Well I was going to sign with this weekend but last night Triple H called me and wanted to sign me back to WWE.

Alexa: I take it you took Triple H up on the offer.

Oliver: Yup, so starting next week I'll be on Raw. I shouldn't have said anything it's a supposed to be a secret.

Alexa: My lips are sealed; I won't tell a soul.

Oliver: Awesome thanks.

Alexa: I have to get going but here's my number maybe we can go to lunch or something one day.

Oliver: I'd like that. It was nice meeting you. Maybe I'll see you at Raw.

Alexa: Maybe, call me sometime. Thanks again for finding Teddy.


I arrived at the arena a little bit earlier than everyone else because I had to sign my Raw contract.

Triple H: Well it's official welcome to Monday Night Raw Oliver.

Oliver: Glad to be here. Thanks again for getting me over here. What did they think about the idea I pitched?

Triple H: Oliver, I was not about to pitch that idea to Vince.

Oliver: Why not? It would have been the greatest story in WWE today.

Triple H: There is no way in hell they would let you come out to the ring with a monster truck and run the ring over while Jackson and Leah were in it.

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