In Loving Memory

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I woke up and I was really confused I had no idea where I was. I jumped out of bed and didn't see Liv anywhere. I walked into the living room and saw her sitting on the couch watching TV.

Oliver: What time is it?

Liv: It's 4 pm. You've been sleeping for 14 hours.

Oliver: Why didn't you wake me up?

Liv: Because you needed the rest.

Oliver: Please tell me everything was just a dream and nothing that happened was real.

Liv: It wasn't a dream.

Oliver: I was hoping it was.

Liv: I talked to Triple H and I asked him if I could take some time off. I told him that you really needed me now and he said it was fine.

Oliver: Will you come with me to plan the funeral?

Liv: You don't even have to ask me that you already know I will.


Today is going to be hard, everyone was on the West Coast for Raw and Smack down. Liv is the only one with me besides Brittany, Steven, and Ashley. Liv and I pull up to the church and as we walk up to the door I just stop.

Liv: What's wrong Oliver?

Oliver: I can't do this Gionna. I'm not ready to say good bye.

Liv: I'll be right by your side the whole time I'm not going anywhere.

I break down crying and Liv hugs me. I feel a hand on my back and I turn my head and I see Zack, Curt, Ruby, Sarah, Chelsea, Finn, Sonya, and Mandy.

Zack: We're not going anywhere either bro.

I didn't say a word I just hugged Zack and I started to cry.

Curt: We're all in this together.

Finn: There was no way in hell we'd let you do this without your family.

Ruby: We may have gotten no sleep and flew all night but we're here.

Daria runs up to me and hugs me and she is crying her eyes out.

Sonya: I miss her so much.

Ruby: Whenever you're ready Oliver we'll be by your side.

When we walk in they have a section for the family set up right in the front next to the casket. As we walk to the seats I move to the back of our group because I'm trying to avoid seeing in the casket. Liv is right in front of me and when it's my turn to walk past I just stop and look at her.

Oliver: Emma, you're still the most beautiful girl in the world.

I take my seat next to Liv and the services starts not long after. Before the service ends, they ask if anyone would like to share a few words. The first person to go up there was Daria.

Sonya: I don't know where to start. Emma Rose you were one big ray of sunshine. I'll never forget the day you were born you were daddy's little girl ever since the moment he laid his eyes on you. You were one cool kid, I'm glad you got to be in my life. I'll cherish every moment we had together. I love you sweet girl keep looking over us all.

Finn walks up next.

Finn: Emma, you were a special girl. The world lost an amazing soul you will never be forgotten. I'll never forget that time when you baked me a birthday cake and after I blew out the candles you pushed the cake right in my face. You thought it was so funny until I chased you down and put some in your face. You always knew how to make someone smile weather you would crack a joke or say something smart. I'll never forget you and I hope that when I have a child one day they turn out to be half the kid you were. I love you Em.

I go to stand up but I see Ashley get up so I sit down and let her go up there.

Ashley: Emma was more than my cousin. She was the sister I never had. Emma, we had a bond that was like nothing else we had so much fun together. I feel like a piece of me is gone now that you aren't with us anymore. It's not the same anymore without you around. I don't think I'll ever get over the fact that you are gone. I love you Emma.

I finally went up and said what I had to say.

Oliver: Heaven and Earth may separate us today, but nothing will ever change the fact that you made me a Dad. Emma, I'm not going to lie I'm not doing so good right now. I'm still waiting to wake up and this all be a bad dream. My biggest regret is not always being there for you all the time. If I could give up my entire career just to have you back I'd give it up without even thinking about it. I will never forget you Emma you were my world, my everything. I know you're looking down on me right now and I know how proud you were of me. I'm going to continue to fight for you, from this day on everything I do will be in your memory. I love you so much Emma, you're the reason I do what I do. I'll see you again one day Emma I love you.

The service ends and we all head to our cars to go to the cemetery. We receive a police escort when we arrive I'm carrying the casket with Zack, Curt, Steven, and Finn. As we are all gathered around the casket to say our final good bye before we put her in the ground the priest is saying one final prayer. As they lower her into the ground we all toss a rose into the grave. That was it, that was the last time I'll ever be able to see my daughter. After the service we all went to Brittany and Steven's house.

Oliver: Guys you really don't understand how much it means to me having you all here.

Zack: That's what family is for. We will always be here for you.

Ruby: We just flew 6 hours to be with you when you needed us the most.

Sarah: I would have walked here if I had to. 

Liv: Babe, all of us are your family. No matter what happens we're going to be by your side.

Oliver: I love you guys, I really do. You have no idea how much you guys mean to me.

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