Facing the past

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Lexi and I headed to the arena for Raw. I'm not scheduled to be on the show tonight my match is going to be on Smack down this week, I'm here for Lexi to watch her match. I met up with Zack and Curt while Lexi is getting changed into her gear.

Oliver: Hey guys, what's going on?

Zack: Just telling Curt about the other night. How you feeling Rocky?

Oliver: Not bad, feeling a lot better than I did Friday night that's for sure.

Curt: Broski told me about the whole thing. That's crazy what happened, how's Liv doing?

Oliver: She's holding up. She's okay now she was really shaken up after everything happened. She's getting back to her normal self again.

Zack: Oliver you okay bro? You look a little stressed out.

Oliver: Is it really that obvious?

Zack: Yeah, what's wrong?

Oliver: Lexi and I got into an argument last night.

Curt: You guys good now?

Oliver: I guess so. She got upset with me because of the fight. She told me that Liv isn't my problem and I shouldn't worry about her.

Zack: Sounds like she's a little jealous. Not trying to pick sides here but I'd be acting the same way if Chelsea was getting close with another guy.

Oliver: I understand that but there is nothing going on between Liv and I. We're best friends that's it nothing more. At the end of the day I'm with Lexi and only Lexi so that's all that matters. I don't have feelings for Liv.

Zack: Well speaking of trouble here comes the Riott Squad.

Liv: Hey boys what's up?

Curt: Just the usual.

Ruby: Three grown men talking about toys?

Zack: Chill out guys.

Lexi walks over to where we all were talking and she wasn't in the best of moods.

Liv: Hey Alexa, how are you?

Alexa: Fine.

Oliver: You okay?

Alexa: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm going to get ready for my match we're starting off Raw tonight. I'll see you later.

Oliver: Okay.

It's now time for the match between Alexa and Braun and Jackson and Leah. The match begins and Lexi and Leah are starting things off.

Zack: Bro stop being so tense you're going to pop a blood vessel or something.

Oliver: Sorry, I just really want them to get what they got coming to them.

Liv: I'd rather face Leah and Jackson.

Oliver: Why?

Liv: Because Braun is a monster and after the fight the other night I don't want him to hurt you even more. Plus, I can tell Lexi is a little upset and I don't want her taking anything out on me.

Oliver: I'm not worried about it. We can't look past Daria and Chad they are going to be tough.

*End of match*

Jackson is running at Braun but out of nowhere Braun tackles Jackson and throws him over the top rope but as he goes over Leah tags in. Braun starts running around the ring to get Jackson with his full speed shoulder tackle but Jackson reached under the ring and grabbed some brass knuckles and knocked Braun out. In the ring Alexa and Leah are going at it and Lexi gets a stiff punch in on Leah. Then Lexi hits a DDT then goes to the top rope to set up Twisted Bliss. While Lexi is on the top getting in position Jackson gets on the apron and grabs her leg so she can't jump off. That distraction was enough for Leah to get up and knock Lexi off the top rope and hit her with a superkick once Lexi is down Leah locks in the code of silence and Lexi has no choice but to tap out.

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