Superstar Shake-Up

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We arrived at the arena and everyone from both Raw and Smack down are here tonight. The vibe around here tonight is pretty low, everyone is on edge. The show opened up with Mr. McMahon coming down to the ring.

Vince: Ladies and Gentlemen tonight is a very special night. Tonight, we get a fresh start in the WWE and for the first time in a long time we are doing a Superstar Shake up. Some superstars may end up on a new show and some may stay on the same one. Some tag teams may be broken up it is all in the hands of your new general managers. The new general manager for Monday Night Raw will be Kurt Angle. And the new general manager for Smack down will be Shane McMahon. Now before we went on the air both men flipped a coin to see who would go first and Raw won the toss so they get first pick.

Kurt: With the first pick Raw will take the Universal Champion Seth Rollins

Shane: I saw that one coming a mile away, I'm going to do one better. My pick is Drew McIntyre.

There are a few matches and then they come back out. They've done a few picks backstage and myself, Alexa, and the Riott Squad have yet to be drafted. With each pick our nerves get worse. When the time to announce the next pick comes the four of us huddle up and hold hands and hope we don't break up.

Kurt: My next pick will be the first break up of a team.

I can see the faces of the girls get that worried look when Kurt says that.

Kurt: My next pick will be Asuka.

Liv: Thank god. We dodged a bullet on that one.

Oliver: I wish they'd just get it over with.

Shane: Smack down selects. Alexa Bliss.

Oliver: Well congrats babe. Hopefully I get to join you.

Kurt: The next pick for Raw will be Ricochet.

Shane: My next pick will be Oliver Pierce.

Oliver: Well looks like I found my new home. I really hope you guys come with me. On the bright side I get to stay with you babe.

Liv: They can't break up the Riott Squad. We have to be going to Smack down as well.

Ruby: Oliver technically isn't a member of the Riott Squad so there is a possibility that we may be split. He was only with us because you guys were in the tournament remember?

Sarah: Come on guys stay positive.

About an hour goes by and then it's time for the final picks of night one.

Kurt: With my final pick of the night I'm taking all 3 members of.

Liv: Please say New Day, please say New Day

Kurt: The Riott Squad.

The four of us are in shock, we don't know what to say.

Liv: They actually did it. They broke us up. I can't believe it.

Ruby: This sucks.

Oliver: Guys stop being sad. Raw or Smack down it doesn't matter. The bond the four of us have is greater than any break up. We may be on different brands but in our hearts we'll always be together. We win we Riott, We lose we Riott, but most importantly Together we Riott.

Ruby: On the bright side we'll be together on pay per views.

Oliver: Listen since I've been back the three of you have become a big part of my life. I've gained 3 best friends, I'm going to miss our rides together and all of the fun stuff we've done. This is an opportunity for all of us, I'll be cheering you guys on from Smack down and no matter what I'll always have you guys in my heart. When you guys succeed, I succeed and when I succeed you guys do too.

The four of us shared a group hug and we started to cry. While we were hugging Alexa took a picture of us and when I turned around, I saw a tear coming down her face.

Oliver: Are you crying babe?

Alexa: Me? Crying? No, the light was in my eye.

Liv: I'll miss you guys. Lexi please keep him in check.

Alexa: You know I will girl don't you worry.

We all shared a hug and then Lexi and I went to the airport to head back to Orlando. On the flight back Lexi could tell I was a little upset so she holds my hand.

Alexa: You okay?

Oliver: Yeah, I'm just going to miss the girls and Zack and Curt. I still got you and now I'll be with Daria so that's a positive.

Alexa: Everything is going to be okay Ollie. Check your phone.

I looked at my phone and saw a text from Lexi. I opened it and saw a picture of me and the girls hugging after we got split up. I looked over at her and smiled and she had a tear coming down her face.

Oliver: You were crying earlier.

Alexa: Fine you caught me, I was crying. I just saw the bond you guys have and it made me emotional. I figured you guys would like that picture.

Oliver: Thanks babe.

We landed in Orlando around 1 am and then we went back to Lexi's place since it was closest to the airport. Before I went to sleep I uploaded the picture to my Instagram.

@oliverpierce_wwe: (picture of me and girl) The draft may have split us up but we'll forever be in each other's hearts. Thank you @rubyriottwwe @sarahlogan @yaonlylivvonce Thank you for not only taking me into your group when we first met but Thank you for becoming 3 of my best friends. I'll miss you guys. #Squadsquad4life

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